In forensic and bioarchaeological cases, many techniques generate an age-at-death estimation from the skeletal remains of an individual. Some techniques can be destructive to the remains or have significantly larger margins of error and are not ideal. One non-destructive aging method being explored relies on digital x-ray images of the teeth. From these images, an area measurement of the tooth's pulp chamber and the entire tooth is recorded as a ratio. Age can be calculated based on the rate of dentin accumulation in the pulp chamber. The purpose of this research is to assess the validity of this method using single-root teeth on a skeletal collection housed at Khon Kaen University in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Digital x-ray images are taken of the teeth both loose and in-situ of adult individuals: 28 males and 28 females. The pulp to tooth area ratio (PTR) data are then analyzed for significance using statistical...

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