It is a great honor for the Academy of Operative Dentistry to present its 2009 Award of Excellence to Dr Warren K Johnson. Dr Johnson graduated from the University of Washington School of Dentistry in 1965. He joined the US Army in 1966, retiring from the Reserves with the rank of Colonel in 1998. He has been in private practice since 1972 and has been a member of a Tucker cast gold study club and gold foil study club in Seattle for more than 25 years.
Dr Johnson has been president of his cast gold and gold foil study clubs as well as the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators, Academy of Operative Dentistry, Academy of RV Tucker Study Clubs, Associated Ferrier Gold Foil Study Clubs and the University of Washington Dental School Alumni Association. He is currently a member of the American Dental Association and its component societies, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, the Academy of Operative Dentistry, the Academy of RV Tucker Study Clubs, the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators, the Associated Ferrier Gold Foil Study Clubs and is a Fellow in the American and International College of Dentists.
Dr Johnson currently teaches seven operating cast and direct gold study clubs and has taught and lectured extensively on cast gold in North America, Europe and Africa. He is editor of a Tucker syllabus and has produced a video on cast gold procedures.