Evaluation of Dental Restorations: A Comparative Study Between Clinical and Digital Photographic Assessments
The digital photographic method is a useful tool for assessing the quality of dental restorations, providing information that goes unnoticed with the visual-tactile clinical examination method.
Measurement of the Internal Adaptation of Resin Composites Using Micro-CT and Its Correlation With Polymerization Shrinkage
Resin composites with low levels of polymerization shrinkage strain and stress resulted in better internal adaptation. This effect may be related to the low incidence of complications, such as postoperative hypersensitivity.
Incremental Filling Technique and Composite Material—Part I: Cuspal Deformation, Bond Strength, and Physical Properties
The use of a large number of increments caused an increase in cuspal deflection during composite polymerization in large posterior restorations. A balance between adequate bonding with good mechanical properties of the composite and lower cuspal deformation was obtained with 2.0-mm increments.
Incremental Filling Technique and Composite Material—Part II: Shrinkage and Shrinkage Stresses
Using low-shrink composites applied in medium increment sizes of approximately 2 mm provided the best balance compared to bulk or 1-mm increment placements.
The Effect of Light-curing Access and Different Resin Cements on Apical Bond Strength of Fiber Posts
Cementation of fiber glass posts with self-adhesive cement (RelyX U100) is more predictable than cementation with resin cement using a three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system (RelyX ARC/SBMP) as its bond strength to apical dentin was not influenced by the level of light-curing access.
In Memoriam
A New Universal Simplified Adhesive: 18-Month Clinical Evaluation
At 18 months, the new multimode adhesive, Scotchbond Universal Adhesive, fulfilled the American Dental Association criteria required for full approval. Its clinical behavior is reliable when used in noncarious cervical lesions and may not depend on the bonding strategy.
Administration of Ascorbic Acid to Prevent Bleaching-induced Tooth Sensitivity: A Randomized Triple-blind Clinical Trial
The use of ascorbic acid during in-office bleaching does not reduce the incidence of bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity.
Randomized Clinical Trial on the Efficacy and Safety of Four Professional At-home Tooth Whitening Gels
Based on the results obtained in this study, in which no statistical differences in the degree of whitening with the different gels were found, we would recommend the use of gels at a lower concentration.
Impact of Quantity of Resin, C-factor, and Geometry on Resin Composite Polymerization Shrinkage Stress in Class V Restorations
Adhesive dentistry allows for the simple removal of decayed tissue to guide preparation design. Knowledge about differences in stress concentration within cavities can help in understanding the impact of shape and cavosurface angle of the cavity, optimizing the distribution of stress during the cure of the restorative material and improving the expected lifetime of the restoration.
Inactivation of Matrix-bound Matrix Metalloproteinases by Cross-linking Agents in Acid-etched Dentin
Cross-linking agents used in clinically applicable periods of time are capable of inactivating matrix-bound matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in demineralized dentin. Such treatment may render the hybrid layer less prone to degradation over time and produce long-lasting resin-dentin bonds.
Effect of Pre-reacted Glass-ionomer Filler Extraction Solution on Demineralization of Bovine Enamel
S-PRG filler extraction solution has an ability to protect the surface of enamel from demineralization.
Transenamel and Transdentinal Penetration of Hydrogen Peroxide Applied to Cracked or Microabrasioned Enamel
Microabrasion and the presence of cracks in enamel make this substrate more susceptible to penetration of hydrogen peroxide during in-office whitening.
Detection of Marginal Leakage of Class V Restorations In Vitro by Micro–Computed Tomography
Micro–computed tomography can provide in vitro nondestructive detection of leakage around a composite restoration to display entire three dimensional dentin leakage patterns with accuracy comparable to that of the conventional dye-penetration method.
Fracture Strength and Fracture Patterns of Root-filled Teeth Restored With Direct Resin Composite Restorations Under Static and Fatigue Loading
Root-filled teeth suffer substantial loss of tooth structure from restorative and endodontic procedures. A direct adhesive restoration will help preserve the remaining tooth structure as long as it provides enough strength and marginal integrity.
Enamel Wear Opposing Polished and Aged Zirconia
Zirconia is an esthetic material with mechanical properties similar to steel. However, when subjected to loading in the oral cavity, zirconia exhibits phase transformation that increases the surface roughness. The roughness, however, does not increase opposing enamel loss.
Effect of Sodium Ascorbate on Dentin Bonding After Two Bleaching Techniques
Bleaching with either 10% carbamide peroxide or 35% hydrogen peroxide impairs the formation of the hybrid layer, resin tags, and bond strength. The use of sodium ascorbate following bleaching diminishes this adverse effect in the case of 10% carbamide peroxide but not so when 35% hydrogen peroxide is used as the bleaching agent.
Effect of Simulated Tooth Temperature on the Degree of Conversion of Self-adhesive Resin Cements Exposed to Different Curing Conditions
Self-adhesive resin cements present a higher degree of conversion and faster polymerization kinetics when exposed to tooth temperature rather than to room temperature. Clinicians may expect differences in product setting time and some physical properties compared with what manufacturers report.
Influence of Application Techniques on Contact Formation and Voids in Anterior Resin Composite Restorations
Diastema closure with direct resin composites should be free of voids and establish proper contact formation. Good results can be achieved with the pull-through technique and the use of prefabricated matrices.
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