Restoration Survival: Revisiting Patients' Risk Factors Through a Systematic Literature Review
An objective description of patients' factors should become available in clinical studies, since their contribution to restoration survival cannot be ignored and may assist clinical decision making in challenging situations.
From ‘Direct Versus Indirect' Toward an Integrated Restorative Concept in the Posterior Dentition
The decision whether a required dental restoration should be direct or indirect is made daily in clinical practice. Guidelines for this decision are presented.
When and How to Intervene in the Caries Process
In addition to minimally invasive interventions, noninvasive and microinvasive options should be a focus in modern cariology in order to preserve dental hard tissues to a greater extent, as has been the case in recent decades.
Criteria for the Replacement of Restorations: Academy of Operative Dentistry European Section
Restoration replacement is considered to be a last resort, subsequent to excluding the preventively oriented, minimum intervention alternatives of monitoring, refurbishment, and repair.
Extended Resin Composite Restorations: Techniques and Procedures
This article provides an overview of the state of the art of different restorative treatment procedures and techniques needed for placing extended posterior resin composite restorations.
Intraoral Repair of Direct and Indirect Restorations: Procedures and Guidelines
This work summarizes reasons for failure, survival of repaired reconstructions, elaborates upon types and mechanisms of available surface conditioning methods, and presents operative dentists with practical guidelines for intraoral repair procedures.
Professional Variability in Decision Making in Modern Dentistry: A Pilot Study
This pilot study highlights that a considerable proportion of variation in dental decision making is independently attributable to provider-specific factors. These results emphasize the continuing challenges of the limited availability of robust scientific evidence, limited implementation of and adherence to clinical guidelines, as well as habitually anchored rather than evidence-informed clinical decision-making routines.
Restoration of Severely Compromised Teeth With Modern Operative Techniques
The cases show that composites may be a valid alternative to indirect restorations.
Case Report: A Predictable Technique to Establish Occlusal Contact in Extensive Direct Composite Resin Restorations: The DSO-Technique
This technique enables the dentist to restore teeth in occlusion with direct composites in a predictable and minimally invasive way.
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