Eight species of myodocopid Ostracoda (six Myodocopina, one Halocypridina, and one Cladocopina) are reported from 30 to 60 m depths in Moss Town Blue Hole, an ocean blue hole located in a bay on the west side of Great Exuma Island, Exuma Cays, Great Bahama Bank. The collection from Moss Town Blue Hole contained no new species, but five species had not been reported previously from the blue holes of Great Exuma Island, and three species had not been reported previously from the blue holes of the Exuma Cays. The collection provided the opportunity to describe the adult male and female, as well as early instars, of Eusarsiella fax and Metapolycope duplex, and the adult female of Eusarsiella merx, and also, to compare the ostracode populations in the various niches in the Exumas.

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