President Wayne Mathis called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM in the Waldo Schmitt Room, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Council members present: Wayne Mathis (President), Mike Carleton (President-elect), Stephen Cairns (Secretary), Seán Brady (Treasurer); F. Christian Thompson, Jeffrey Williams, Neal Woodman, Allen Collins, Bob Hershler (elected Council); Richard Banks, Ron Heyer, Bruce Collette, Roy McDiarmid (Past Presidents); Stephen Gardiner (Editor) and Bob Reynolds (Finance Committee Chair). A total of 23 members were present.
Mathis opened the meeting by asking Peter Burns, Associate Publisher with Allen Press, to summarize the highlights of our publication year. He reported that the ISI impact factor of the Proceedings had increased to 0.648 (2008). Also, 47,735 on-line hits had been recorded for the journal in 2009, and 24,470 articles had been downloaded through our affiliation with BioOne.2. However, membership declined by 40 and library subscriptions by 11. This decrease may be...