President Michael Carleton called the meeting to order at 10:00 am in the Rose Conference Room, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Council members present: Michael Carleton (President), Stephen Gardiner (President-Elect and Editor), Stephen Cairns (Secretary); Seán Brady (Treasurer); Carole Baldwin, Steve Gotte, F. Christian Thompson, Neal Woodman (Elected Council); Richard Banks, Bruce Collette, Kristian Fauchald, Ron Heyer, Roy McDiarmid, Storrs Olson, Wayne Mathis (Past Presidents); Neal Woodman (Membership Committee Chair), and Bob Reynolds (Finance Committee Chair). A total of 20 members were present, including 4 regular members (Daphne Fautin, Jerry Harasewych, Lynne Parenti, and Ken Tighe). Two representatives from Allen Press were also in attendance: Nick Dormer, Business Association Manager and Associate Publisher and Melanie Dolechek, Director of Publishing.
Carleton called the meeting to order, welcomed the guests, and asked for a motion to accept the minutes of last year's Annual Meeting as published in volume 124(2):137–139. The...