President Jerry Harasewych called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm in the Vertebrate Seminar Room (WG33) of the National Museum of Natural History. Council members present: Jerry Harasewych (President), Carol Baldwin (President-Elect), Stephen Cairns (Acting Secretary), Ken Tighe (Treasurer), Jeff Williams, Lynn Parenti (elected council), Bruce Collette, Roy McDiarmid, Stephen Gardiner (past presidents), Anna Phillips, Bob Reynolds, Rick Hochberg, Louise Emmons, Neal Woodman, and Karen Ridgway (Allen Press). A total of 15 individuals were present.

The minutes of the previous annual meeting were approved without reading, as they were published in the Proceedings last year. A financial report was not given because the treasurer has been ill. It will be submitted soon.

The President announced the results of the biennial election. The new President-Elect is Carole Baldwin, the Treasurer remains Ken Tighe, the new Secretary is Suzanne Peurach, and the four member council is composed of: Al Gardner, Martha...

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