Three virginia-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars from China–China 11 (PI 420334), China 17 (PI 433349), and China 27 (PI 420335), were compared to a U.S. virginia-type cultivar, Virginia 81 Bunch (VA 81B), for 2 years (1982 and 1983) in Virginia under irrigated and nonirrigated conditions for market grade, yield and value per hectare, seed germination, and nutrient content of the seed. In addition, Sclerotinia blight resistance ratings of the Chinese lines were taken in 1981. Under irrigated and nonirrigated conditions, China 11 was significantly higher in seed contents of Mg and Zn, sound mature kernels, total kernels, total sound mature kernels, seed germination, and significantly lower in seed weight than VA 81B, China 17 and China 27. China 17 and 27 were similar for all characters studied, except seed Zn. However, the U.S. developed cultivar, VA 81B, was still higher in yield than the Chinese lines. The Chinese lines all have a reduced bunch growth habit, which would probably limit their use in the United States to production systems with row widths of 0.6 m or less. China 11 may be a source of resistance to Sclerotinia minor. All three Chinese lines are a good source of early maturity. Irrigated plots were higher in seed Mg, P, Ca, and Cu; sound mature kernels; total kernels; total sound mature kernels; yield; value; seed germination; and Sclerotinia blight ratings. Nonirrigated plots were higher in seed K and Zn.
Author notes
1Contribution from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, and the Tidewater Research Center, Research Division, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.