A comprehensive breeding procedure for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) consisting of three stages — till development of a genetically broad-based virginia-type population, recurrent selection without extensive crossing for continued population improvement, and isolation of pure lines from high yielding families at each cycle of selection was initiated in 1974. Forty S1 families in S3 generation were selected from each cycle of selection. Only five families from cycle 0 outyielded the check cultivar. Florigiant, whereas yield of all selected families from the next two cycles exceeded the yield of Florigiant. Pure lines isolated from high yielding cycle 0 families have yielded more than Florigiant in advanced yield trials. Use of this procedure provides a systematic approach in developing higher yielding peanut cultivars with a broad genetic base.

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1Paper no. 10640 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695–7601.