A simple, economical, and rapid method to detect aflatoxin in peanut is described in this paper. The extract from 1 g of peanut is added to 1 mL of NH4H2PO4-HgCl2 solution containing 0.005 g agar in a tube. The concentration of aflatoxin can be visually estimated by the tube fluorescence which is directly correlated with the concentration of aflatoxin on a simple linear regression (r = 0.999, P < 0.01). The lowest aflatoxin amount that could be detected was 0.02 μg/g by a spectroflurophotometer and was 0.04 μg/g by visual observation under UV light. There was no significant difference between the amounts of aflatoxin estimated by the tube fluorescence method and by TLC (P > 0.10) in an experiment containing 10 samples. This method should be applicable for fast identification of peanut genotypes of single plants with resistance to aflatoxin production.
Author notes
1This study was aided financially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), the Science and Technology Committee of Hubei Province of China, and the International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden.