Peanut mottle virus (PMV) was isolated from commercially grown peanuts in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. This is the first report of PMV in the Southwestern United States and shows PMV to be present in all states with major peanut production. The incidence of PMV in Texas and Oklahoma was low in comparison to New Mexico and the Southeastern states. PMV was found in both seed and leaves of plants grown in the various states. The mild strain of PMV is the predominant strain in the United States. Since the source of primary inoculum is infected plants that have grown from infected seeds, it is theorized that the use of seed grown in areas with little or no PMV (Texas and Oklahoma) gives the greatest possibility of eliminating or delaying PMV epidemics.
Author notes
1Contribution from the University of Georgia, College of Agriculture Experiment Stations and Texas A & M University, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.