Full-fat (53% oil) and defatted (22% oil) blanched, whole, roasted peanuts were stored at 4,25, and 63 C for 12 wk. Defatted peanuts were lighter in color as indicated by a higher Hunter L and b values and a lower a value. The a value which indicated redness also decreased during storage until week 9. Defatting also resulted in roasted peanutty scores that were lower and decreased during storage and decreased pyrazine peak areas (Peaks 24 and 25). Rancidity-related attributes were generally more intense in defatted samples and increased during storage. PV and TBA values were higher in defatted peanuts and increased during storage. A higher moisture content in defatted peanuts may have contributed to its lower storage stability. TBA correlation with rancidity-related attributes indicated secondary oxidation in the samples during storage. The compounds 1-methylpyrrole, 2-methylpyrazine, 2,5 dimethylpyrazine, ethanol, hexanal, and pyridine were tentatively identified by gas chromatography.

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Author notes

1This study was supported in part by the USAID Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program (Grant No. DAN-4040-G-SS-2065–00). Recommendations do not represent an official position or policy of USAID.