Field studies were conducted during 1997 and 1998 at three different locations in Georgia to determine peanut and weed response to pendimethalin at 1.1 kg ai/ha applied preplantincorporated (PPI) followed by flumioxazin at 71, 87, and 105 g ai/ha applied preemergence (PRE). Other residual treatments combinations with pendimethalin PPI included flumioxazin mixed with metolachlor or dimethenamid PRE, diclosulam PRE, norflurazon PRE, and imazapic applied postemergence (POST). Herbicide combinations that included flumioxazin controlled Florida beggarweed, tropic croton, and small flower morningglory at least 78% or greater. Late season Florida beggarweed control was 90% or greater with pendimethalin PPI plus flumioxazin at 87 to 105 g/ha applied PRE. Pendimethalin plus flumioxazin did not control sicklepod or yellow nutsedge. Smallflower morningglory control with all herbicide treatments was 90% or greater. Entireleaf morningglory control (when used in combination with pendimethalin PPI) increased from 80% with flumioxazin at 105 g/ha to 90% for flumioxazin in combination with metolachlor. Yields were similar for flumioxazin, norflurazon, imazapic, and diclosulam treated peanut.

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