Field studies were conducted to determine the effects of 2,4-DB application timings on yield and market quality of virginia-type peanut. Trials were conducted at three locations in Texas and one location in North Carolina in 1997, 1998, and 1999. 2,4-DB at 0.45 kg ae/ha was applied 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 d after planting (DAP). Additional timings included combinations of 30 DAP followed by (fb) 60, 90, or 120 DAP; 60 DAP fb 90 or 120 DAP; and 90 DAP fb 120 DAP. Peanut yield, market grade factors, and pod and seed weight were not influenced by various application timings of 2,4-DB.
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American Peanut Research and Education Society
American Peanut Research and Education Society