The publication of this issue of Peanut Science marks the completion of Chris Butts tenure as Editor. Over the past year Chris has directed my efforts to become familiar with the submission, review, and publication process of the journal as co-editor. For anyone whom has not had the opportunity to serve in capacity as an Editor for a peer-reviewed journal, please understand this is a difficult task, and at times makes you wonder why you do it. To this end, Chris took over as Editor in 2007 while serving as an Associate Editor, after the passing of the John Wilcut. In the six years Chris severed as editor, he over saw 95 submissions, coordinating the completion and publication of Volume 2 in 2007, and organizing and publishing Volumes 1 & 2 in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Over this six year period, Chris edited and oversaw the publication of 114 peer-reviewed articles online. Therefore, we owe Chris a great deal of appreciation for his commitment to the American Peanut Research and Education Society, Peanut Science, and the peanut industry for his efforts as Editor. So please do so whenever you have the opportunity to meet with Chris in the future.


Timothy Grey

Editor Peanut Science