Previous tests with PCNB for control of Southern stem rot in Georgia have not usually increased peanut yields. Tests were conducted with PCNB, fensulfothion and PCNB plus fensulfothion to determine if increased nematode damage with the use of PCNB might offset disease control with this fungicide. The results showed that PCNB had no effect on nematode numbers, but significantly increased yields only one year out of three. PCNB plus fensulfothion increased yields every year of the three. Field disease counts indicated that PCNB alone and PCNB plus fensulfothion both significantly controlled Southern stem rot. A laboratory test showed that PCNB plus fensulfothion is more toxic to Sclerotium rolfsii than PCNB alone. Fensulfothion plus PCNB may increase yields by delaying disease infection, providing better disease control, which was not measurable with dead plant counts, or a combination of these.

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1Contribution of the Department of Extension Plant Pathology, University of Georgia, Tifton, GA 31794.