The concept of harvesting peanuts has remained the same since the windrow-harvesting method replaced stack-pole harvesting. The purpose of this paper is to state the present position on conventional peanut harvesting and discuss the potential for direct harvesting of Virginia-type peanuts.

The field operations for the conventional and direct-harvesting methods are compared. Advantages and disadvantages of each harvesting method as they relate to peanut losses and peanut damages are discussed. The operational performance and evaluation of the direct harvester developed at Suffolk, Va., is presented. The importance of the drying operation for the conventional and direct-harvesting methods is discussed relative to cost of drying, managing the drying operation, and improving thermal efficiency.

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Author notes

1ASAE Paper No. 77–3031 presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Raleigh, N. C., June 1977, on a program arranged by the Electric Power and Processing Division.