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Minimizing Aflatoxin Contamination in the Field, During Drying, and in Storage in Ghana
William Appaw; William O. Ellis; Richard Akromah; Moses B. Mochiah; Awere Dankyi; Mumuni Abudulai; David L. Jordan; Rick L. Brandenburg; Jeremy Jelliffe; Boris E. Bravo-Ureta; Kenneth Boote; Greg MacDonald; Jinru Chen; Robert D. Phillips; Kumar Mallikarjunan; Maria Balota; David Hoisington; Jamie Rhoads
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Inter-row plant spacing effects on grain and fodder yields, growth performance, digestibility and manure quality of sheep
K.J. Adda, W. Addah, N. Abdul Rahman, T.A. McAllister
On-Farm Evaluation of Nozzle Types for Peanut Pest Management Using Commercial Sprayers
S.S. Virk, E.P. Prostko, R.C. Kemerait, M.R. Abney, G.C. Rains, C.T. Powell, D.S. Carlson, J.L. Jacobs, W.G. Tyson
Peanut Response to Flumioxazin and S-Metolachlor Under High Moisture Conditions
N.T. Basinger, T.M. Randell, E.P. Prostko
Resistance to rust (Puccinia arachidis Speg.) identified in nascent allotetraploids cross-compatible with cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
C.M. Levinson, E. Antepenko, S.C.M. Leal-Bertioli, Y. Chu, A.K. Culbreath, H.T. Stalker, D. Gao, P. Ozias-Akins
Relative Tomato Spotted Wilt Incidence and Field Performance among Peanut Cultivars as Influenced by Different Input Production Practices in Georgia.
W. D. Branch, N. Brown, D. J. Mailhot, A. K. Culbreath