Many researchers are partnering with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in order to carry out research on health related issues. In many ways NGOs are not limited to the same types of restrictions as government institutions, and can have greater flexibility in collaborating with researchers and incorporating them into their projects. Increasingly, NGO administrations visualize anthropological research as a valuable mechanism for evaluating their goals, internal working mechanisms, and the impact of their work on recipient populations provided the research does not represent a strain on the organization's financial capacity or the staff's time. Some organizations have even established particular mechanisms to evaluate potential research proposals, make sure that the investigations go as planned, and protect the rights of the participants through all stages of the research process. Collaborating with NGOs can ensure the direct applicability of the results of our research and in some cases, the translation of that information into public policy. Finally, NGOs can facilitate the possibility of carrying out long-term research that would not be feasible within government institutions.

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