Every four years, the International Association for Radiation Research (IARR) performs its major role, that of selecting the site for the next International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR), usually by choosing from bids brought by two or three national radiation research societies who consider it an honor to hold such a meeting. The past few meetings have been held in Europe (Wurzburg, 1995; Dublin, 1999; Warsaw, 2011), Asia (Brisbane, 2003; Kyoto, 2015) and North America (Toronto, 1991; San Francisco, 2007). These meetings have been of particular appeal to those of us with the seniority either to be invited to speak (and have our expenses at least partially reimbursed) or have sufficient grant funding to be able to fund the trip. The original aim of these meetings was to promote inter-society communication [see IARR website (http://bit.ly/1M7rsRS)] rather than to promote cutting-edge science and, indeed, it is increasingly recognized that...

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