The Common Black Hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus) is an obligate riparian nester, dependent on mature, relatively undisturbed habitat supported by a permanent flowing stream (Schnell 1994). Although few studies describing Common Black Hawk nest-site selection or use relative to large-scale habitat features have been undertaken (Maxwell and Husak 1999, Sadoti 2012), long-term studies indicate that black hawks in Arizona must have tall trees for nesting (Schnell et al. 1986, Schnell 1998). Over a century ago Fowler (1903) observed cliff-nesting behavior in black hawks at Tonto Natural Bridge in Gila County, Arizona. To our knowledge no other cliff-nesting records have been published. Here, we report a black hawk nest on a cliff within a narrow canyon near Roosevelt Lake in Gila County, Arizona.
While conducting aerial surveys for nesting Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Salt River Canyon Wilderness Area...