Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) are typically considered diurnal raptors; thus, the majority of studies on the nesting and hunting behavior of the species have been carried out during the day in rural/natural areas (e.g., Carlier 1993, Carlier and Gallo 1994, Palmer et al. 2003). Nevertheless, early morning (Byre 1990) and late night (Sick 1961) hunting has been observed occasionally in urban environments. Furthermore, studies of prey remains indicate that urban peregrines may feed on nocturnal species, including bats, as well as species that are typically secretive throughout the day and fly mostly at night, including Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus) and Western Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus; Drewitt and Dixon 2008); although this latter finding may suggest that peregrines hunt nocturnally, it does not provide conclusive evidence.
Following their population recovery, peregrines are frequently found nesting in urban...