The Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) is a globally occurring species and one of the most widely distributed owl species in the world (Voous 1988, Johnsgard 2002, Duncan 2018, Wiggins et al. 2020). Dietary preferences for this species are well known, with small mammals making up a vast majority of prey items throughout its range (Johnsgard 2002, Duncan 2018, Wiggins et al. 2020). Short-eared Owls take whatever small mammals are most locally available, and apparently, there is little difference in prey items taken seasonally or by sex or age of individuals (Wiggins et al. 2020). Birds are taken on occasion, but mainly in low numbers except in coastal locations or other areas where birds tend to be numerous and mammalian prey may be scarce, and they can be important prey items in those cases. However, these published dietary preferences largely...

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