We monitored a population of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) nesting in boxes at the northern extent of the kestrel range (between 66° and 68°N) in the Alaskan Arctic, 2002–2021. There was no significant trend in occupancy during the study period but yearly variation in occupancy was high (range = 17–70%). Occupancy rate was positively related to the lowest temperature recorded in May (7–20°C). The mean estimated clutch initiation date was 16 May ± 6 d; we observed a slight but significant trend for later clutch initiation (4 d) during the study period. Kestrel clutch size averaged 4.7 ± 1.0 (range = 1–7), brood size averaged 4.6 ± 0.8, and the mean minimum number of young fledged/successful pair was 4.9 ± 0.4. Clutch and brood sizes remained stable from 2002–2021, with no significant trend. Nest failure was low (16%). We report a late nesting and possible double brooding attempt in 2018, suggesting a possible response to the warming trend (2002–2021) in average temperatures at the end of the normal nesting season.