We collected blood samples from 44 Western Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug cherrug) and 68 Eastern Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug milvipes) in captivity at two facilities in Bulgaria to evaluate the health of individuals involved in a reintroduction project, and to gain insight into appropriate veterinary care and treatment of the birds. We compared the values of 18 biochemical parameters between the two subspecies and also between females and males. We found significant differences between the two subspecies for some of the parameters tested; however, they likely resulted from different feeding regimes at the two breeding facilities—one housing most of the Western Saker Falcons and the other all the Eastern Saker Falcons. Further tests should compare the biochemical values between birds of the two subspecies housed in the same facility. We also found significant differences in the biochemistry of female and male falcons across some parameters tested. After 20 yr without a record of Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) nesting in Bulgaria, this globally endangered species has been successfully breeding there since 2018 as a result of an ongoing reintroduction project. By establishing baseline information on the differences in the biochemistry of Saker Falcons, our research may guide future studies of this rare species and aid veterinary care and treatment of the birds breeding in captivity.