Giovanni Leonardi has dedicated most of his career to the study of the Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus) in Italy, as well as other species of falcons and raptors. After the publication of his first book, The Lanner Falcon (Leonardi 2015), he set out to write and publish this book on the behavioral ecology of Western Palearctic falcons. His familiarity with ecological research of falcons is evident in his extensive compilation of literature that covers various aspects of the life history of falcons, such as breeding, physiology, and migration. Western Palearctic falcons, in parallel with North American falcons, stand out as the main studied species in the world (Buechley et al. 2019). Therefore, the book aims to become an updated and scholarly curated reference for future research in the field.

The book primarily includes studies of falcons from the Western Palearctic region, which is the...

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