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Page Charges for Articles Published
in the Journal of Raptor Research

Publication is expensive and member dues do not cover the entire cost of producing the Journal of Raptor Research. Hence, the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. expects that authors defray the high costs of publication through payment of page costs. Authors who are not associated with a research institution or who do not have access to such grants, institutional, or personal funds for publication, may request a partial or complete waiver of page charges. Such a request can only be approved if the author is a member of RRF and the article is short. Charges for color illustrations cannot be waived. Authors of long manuscripts are expected to pay publishing costs. It is unlikely that articles longer than 10 printed pages or 18 typewritten pages, including tables and illustrations, can be published without full payment.

In 2020, the costs are $115.00 U.S. per page and $450 per color illustration. Please confirm costs with the regularly updated “Information for Contributors” published in JRR.

Authors employed by government agencies, universities, or firms that will meet page charges may forward a statement to the editor indicating intent to pay. Upon receipt of such a statement, the agency will be billed with the understanding that payment will be made within 30 days. All checks should be made payable to the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. All personal payments toward publication costs are tax deductible in the United States. Please contact the Editor for questions about page charges at [email protected].

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