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Vision statements and key action statements are primary and useful tools for threatened species recovery and threat abatement. In this chapter I provide a view of the necessary vision and key action statements. Listing a species or biological entity through threatened species legislation may or may not lead to its recovery, and this factor should be carefully taken into account in the process of funding natural resource management actions. Recent experience in NSW (1995-2003) has provided examples of the application of a comprehensive Threatened Species Conservation Act, and its effect on biodiversity management. Some recovery plans have been written, but few actions have been resourced or delivered positive outcomes for the target taxa. Examples where recovery actions have been successful, apparently failed, or are still in question are discussed. Some required elements for successful recovery action and threat abatement are set out (scientific analyses of the environment, monitoring, transparency, community ownership, redundancy, exit strategy). Clearly, it would be better if more actions were resourced and improved conservation outcomes were delivered. A synthesis of current planning processes (2004) required by legislation, which produces fewer plans, processes and meetings, and more measurable conservation outcomes is a simple way forward. This can be done by using a hierarchical process to restore ecosystems, using fundamental and generally available knowledge and techniques.

Allan, C. and Curtis, A. 2003. Regional scale adaptive management: Lessons from the North East Salinity Strategy (NESS). Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 10, 76-84
Beckwith, J. A. and Moore, S. A. 2001. The influence of recent changes in public sector management on biodiversity conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology 7, 45-54
Botkin, B. D. 2001 No Man's Garden: Thoreau and a New Vision for Civilization and Nature. Island Press, Washington D. C.
Briggs, S. 2003. Command and control in natural resource management: Revisiting Holling and Meffe. Ecological Management and Restoration 4, 161-162
Caughley, G. C. 1994. Directions in conservation biology. Journal of Animal Ecology 63: 215-44.
Cody, M. and Smallwood, J. (eds) 1996. Long-Term Studies of Vertebrate Communities. Academic Press, Inc.
Commonwealth of Australia. 1992 National Forest Policy Statement: a New Focus for Australia's Forests. Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.
Daily, Gretchen. 1997 Natures Services. Island Press, Washington D. C.
Department of Conservation and Environment. 1991. Regent Honeyeater Management in Victoria. Procedural Document 02-20-0642-1, Department of Conservation and Environment. Heidelberg, Victoria.
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria; National Parks and Wildlife Service, New South Wales; Parks Victoria, State Forests of New South Wales (2000) Long-footed Potoroo ( Potorous longipes) Recovery Plan, DEH Website, 2004.
Dickman C. 1996. Incorporating science into recovery planning for threatened species. Pp. 63-73 in Back from the brink: refining the threatened species recovery process. edited by S. Stephens and S. Maxwell. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Dovey, E. 1987 Use of databases, indirect survey and predictive techniques in the discovery of the Long-footed potoroo in NSW. Thirty third Scientific Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society. Australian Mammal Society News, Abstract p.16.
Gibbons, P. and Briggs, S. 2004. Biodiversity Incentives Framework: A framework for allocating incentive payments for biodiversity on private land. Draft. Department of Environment and Conservation, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra.
Gibbons, P., Briggs, S. and Shields, J. 2001. How many credits is your property worth? Australian Landcare, December 2001, 20-21.
Gibbons, P., Briggs, S. V. and Shields, J. M. 2002. Are economic instruments the saviour for biodiversity on private land? Pacific Conservation Biology 7, 223-228.
Hawken, P. 1993 The Ecology of Commerce. Harper Collins.
Holling C. S. and Meffe G. K. 1996. Command and control and the pathology of natural resource management. Conservation Biology 10, 318-327.
JANIS 1997. Nationally Agreed Criteria for the Establishment of a Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative Reserve System for Forests in Australia. Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, Canberra.
Lindenmayer, D. B. and Recher, H. F. 1998. Aspects of ecologically sustainable forestry in temperate eucalypt forests - beyond an expanded reserve system. Pacific Conservation Biology 4: 4-10.
Longmore, W. 1991 Honeyeater of Australia and their Allies. Angus and Robertson, Sydney.
Luikart, G J Painter, R. H Crozier, M Westerman, W. B Sherwin. 1997. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the endangered long-footed potoroo Potorous longipes Molecular Ecology 1997 6:5 p. 497
Massicot, Paul. 2002. Long-footed Potoroo. Animal Info Website © 2002
McDonald T. 2003. Persistence and cooperation: Undervalued keys to restoration? Ecological Management and Restoration 4, 82.
McNamara, C. 2003. Strategic Planning (in nonprofit or for-profit organizations). In: Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation. 296 pp. Free Management Library, Authenticity Consulting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Meek, P. and Kirwood R. 2003. Generating Conservation Kernels to Select Areas to Control Foxes and the Implications for Pest Management Practice in State Forests. Ecological Management and Restoration 4: 66-72.
Meek P. and Shields, J. 2004 The Hastings River Mouse Scientific Forum. 4-5 March, 2004, Cumberland State Forest, Sydney. Proceedings edited by P. Meek and J. Shields. Forests NSW, Locked Bag 23, Pennant Hills, NSW.
Menkhorst, P., Schedvin, N., and Geering, D. 1999. Regent Honeyeater ( Xanthomyza phrygia) Recovery Plan 1999-2003. DEH Website 2004.
Muir, A. M., Edwards, S. A. and Dickens, J. M. 1995 Description and conservation status of the vegetation of the box-ironbark ecosystem in Victoria. Flora and Fauna Technical Report Number 136, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Victoria.
Nicholson, E. 1999. Winds of change for silvicultural practice in NSW native forests. Australian Forestry 62: 223-35.
Natural Resources and Environment. 1998a Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
Natural Resources and Environment. 1998b Victoria's Biodiversity: our living wealth. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
NPWS (National Parks and Wildlife Service). 2001 Threat Abatement Plan for Predation by the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). National Parks and Wildlife Service. Hurstville.
DEC (Department of Environment and Conservation). 2004. Draft Threat Abatement Plan for Invasion of native plant communities by bitou bush/boneseed. National Parks and Wildlife Service. Hurstville.
NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning. 1999 Report for the Comprehensive Regional Assessment Project NA57/ESFM: Application of protective measures/forest practices into a quantitative database. Resources Assessment and Conservation Division, NSW Dept of Urban Affairs and Planning, Sydney.
O'Connor C. Marvier M. and Kareiva P. 2003. Biological vs. social, economic and political priority-setting in conservation. Ecology Letters 6 No. 8 Pp 706-711(6)
Oliver, I. and Parkes, D. 2003 A Prototype Toolkit for Scoring Biodiversity Benefits of Land Use Change. Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, Sydney.
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 1999. Reclaiming a Petrel's Paradise. Nature Australia 3: 60-63.
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 2001. A trial translocation of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera).EMU: 2001: 101: 79-88
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 1995. An Artificial Nest Box for Burrow-Nesting Seabirds. EMU 1995: 95, 290-294.
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 1995. Mortality of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera).at the Nesting Site on Cabbage Tree Island, New South Wales. EMU 1995: 95, 259-264
Priddel, D., N. Carlile and R. Wheeler. 2000. Eradication of European rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) from Cabbage Tree Island, NSW, Australia, to protect the breeding habitat of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera).Biological. Conservation 94 (2000) 115-125.
Priddel, D., N. Carlile., C. Davey and P. Fullagar. 1995. The Status of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera) on Cabbage Tree Island, New South Wales. Wildl. Res. 1995, 22, 601-10.
Schodde, R., Mason, I. J. and Christidis, L. 1992. Regional age and sexual differentiation in the Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia. Corella 16: 23-28.
Seebeck, J. H. and Johnston, P. J. 1980 Potorous longipes (Marsupialia: Macropodidae); a new species from eastern Victoria. Australian Journal of Zoology, 28, 119-134.
Simberloff, D. 1999. The role of science in the preservation of forest biodiversity. Forest Ecology and Management 115: 101-11.
Smyth, A. K., Lamb, D., Hall, L., McCallum, H., Moloney, D. and Smith, G. 2000. Towards scientifically valid management tools for sustainable forest management: species guilds versus model species. Pp 118-24 in Management for Sustainable Ecosystems, edited by P. Hale, A. Petrie, D. Moloney and P. Sattler. Centre for Conservation Biology, the University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Song, S. J. and McGonigle, R. M. 2001. Science, power and system dynamics: the political economy of conservation biology. Conservation Biology 15. 980-989.
State Forests of NSW. 2002 Seeing: Social, Environmental and Economic Report 2001/02. State Forests of NSW, Locked Bag 23, Pennant Hills, N. S. W.
List of Bibliography of the Hastings River Mouse: Blackwell, G., Graham, K., Hochuli, D. and Meek, P. D. 2003. Habitat use by the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis): are management prescriptions accurate? Poster Paper at the Ecological Society of Australia, 2003 Conference, Armidale NSW.
Fox, B., Read, D., Jefferies, E and Luo, J. 1994. Diet of the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). Wildlife Research 21: 491-505.
Jerry, D. R., Dow, T. A., Elphinstone, M. S. and Bavestock, P. R. 1998. Historical and contemporary maternal population structuring in the endangered Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). Conservation Biology 12, 1017-1022.
Graham, K. 2003. Responses of invertebrate and mammalian fauna to hard and soft edges in Eucalypt forests, Chapter 4. Honours Thesis, University of Sydney.
Keating, J. 2000. Factors affecting the distribution of two rare small mammals at Grady's Creek Border Ranges national Park, North-East NSW. Honours Thesis, Southern Cross University, Lismore.
King, G. C. 1984. Habitat utilised by Pseudomys oralis.Australian Mammalogy 7, 139-47.
King, G and Mackowski, C. 1986. Two new localities for Pseudomys oralis Thomas (Rodentia: Muridae) in NSW. Australian Mammalogy 9: 63-5.
Meek P. D, 2002a. Radio tracking and Spool-and-line study of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis (MURIDAE) in Marengo State Forest NSW. State Forests of NSW Unpublished Report.
Meek P. D, 2002b. The nest of the Hastings River mouse Pseudomys oralis.Australian Mammalogy 24: 225-227.
Meek P. D., McCray, K. and Cann, B, 2003. New records of Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis from State Forest of NSW pre-logging surveys. Australian Mammalogy 25: 101-105.
Meek, P. (unpublished) Home range and habitat use of Pseudomys oralis I. radio tracking.
NSW NPWS 2003. Draft Recovery Plan for the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). NSW NPWS, Sydney.
Pyke, GH and Read DG, 2002. Hastings River mouse ( Pseudomys oralis): A biological review. Australian Mammalogy 24: 151-176.
Read, D. G. 1993a. Prescriptions for the identification of habitats of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis.Forestry Commission NSW Technical Paper No. 58.
Read, D. G. 1993b. Body size in Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis from old and new locations. Australian Zoologist 29: 117-23.
Read, D. G. and Tweedie, T. D. 1996. Floristics of habitats of Pseudomys oralis.Wildlife Research 23, 485-93.
Smith, A, Ferrier, S, Hines, H. and Quin, D. 1996. Modelling the geographical range of the endangered Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis) (Rodentia: Muridae) in North-East NSW. Unpublished Report to the Hastings River Mouse Recovery Team, AUSTECO, Armidale.
Smith, A. and Quin, D. 1996. Patterns and causes of extinction and decline in Australian Conilurine rodents. Biological Conservation 77, 243-267.
Smith, A, Phillips, C., and Townley, S. 1996. Diet and habitat preferences of the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis) (Rodentia: Muridae). Unpublished Report to the Hastings River Mouse Recovery Team, AUSTECO, Armidale.
Smith, A. P. and Quin D. G. 1997. Microhabitat requirements of the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis) (Rodentia: Muridae). Unpublished report to the Hastings River Mouse Recovery Team. AUSTECO Environmental Consultants.
Tasker, E. and Dickman, C. 2004. Small mammal community composition in grazed and frequently-burnt Eucalypt forests of the northern tablelands of NSW. Pp 721-740 in Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (second edition), edited by D. Lunney D. Royal zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW.
Tasker, E. 2003. Disturbance and the Hastings River Mouse: landscape-scale processes and management of the endangered species. Abstract from the Ecological Society of Australia Conference, Armidale 2003.
Townley, S. 1997. Diet and social organisation of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis (Rodentia: Muriadae) in northeastern NSW. Unpublished Draft report to NSW NPWS.
Townley, S. 2000. The ecology of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis in North eastern NSW and Queensland. PhD Thesis, Southern Cross University, Lismore.
Tweedie, T. and York, A. 1993. Survey Guidelines for the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). SFNSW Technical Paper 62. State Forests of NSW, Sydney.
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Allan, C. and Curtis, A. 2003. Regional scale adaptive management: Lessons from the North East Salinity Strategy (NESS). Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 10, 76-84
Beckwith, J. A. and Moore, S. A. 2001. The influence of recent changes in public sector management on biodiversity conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology 7, 45-54
Botkin, B. D. 2001 No Man's Garden: Thoreau and a New Vision for Civilization and Nature. Island Press, Washington D. C.
Briggs, S. 2003. Command and control in natural resource management: Revisiting Holling and Meffe. Ecological Management and Restoration 4, 161-162
Caughley, G. C. 1994. Directions in conservation biology. Journal of Animal Ecology 63: 215-44.
Cody, M. and Smallwood, J. (eds) 1996. Long-Term Studies of Vertebrate Communities. Academic Press, Inc.
Commonwealth of Australia. 1992 National Forest Policy Statement: a New Focus for Australia's Forests. Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.
Daily, Gretchen. 1997 Natures Services. Island Press, Washington D. C.
Department of Conservation and Environment. 1991. Regent Honeyeater Management in Victoria. Procedural Document 02-20-0642-1, Department of Conservation and Environment. Heidelberg, Victoria.
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria; National Parks and Wildlife Service, New South Wales; Parks Victoria, State Forests of New South Wales (2000) Long-footed Potoroo ( Potorous longipes) Recovery Plan, DEH Website, 2004.
Dickman C. 1996. Incorporating science into recovery planning for threatened species. Pp. 63-73 in Back from the brink: refining the threatened species recovery process. edited by S. Stephens and S. Maxwell. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Dovey, E. 1987 Use of databases, indirect survey and predictive techniques in the discovery of the Long-footed potoroo in NSW. Thirty third Scientific Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society. Australian Mammal Society News, Abstract p.16.
Gibbons, P. and Briggs, S. 2004. Biodiversity Incentives Framework: A framework for allocating incentive payments for biodiversity on private land. Draft. Department of Environment and Conservation, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra.
Gibbons, P., Briggs, S. and Shields, J. 2001. How many credits is your property worth? Australian Landcare, December 2001, 20-21.
Gibbons, P., Briggs, S. V. and Shields, J. M. 2002. Are economic instruments the saviour for biodiversity on private land? Pacific Conservation Biology 7, 223-228.
Hawken, P. 1993 The Ecology of Commerce. Harper Collins.
Holling C. S. and Meffe G. K. 1996. Command and control and the pathology of natural resource management. Conservation Biology 10, 318-327.
JANIS 1997. Nationally Agreed Criteria for the Establishment of a Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative Reserve System for Forests in Australia. Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, Canberra.
Lindenmayer, D. B. and Recher, H. F. 1998. Aspects of ecologically sustainable forestry in temperate eucalypt forests - beyond an expanded reserve system. Pacific Conservation Biology 4: 4-10.
Longmore, W. 1991 Honeyeater of Australia and their Allies. Angus and Robertson, Sydney.
Luikart, G J Painter, R. H Crozier, M Westerman, W. B Sherwin. 1997. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the endangered long-footed potoroo Potorous longipes Molecular Ecology 1997 6:5 p. 497
Massicot, Paul. 2002. Long-footed Potoroo. Animal Info Website © 2002
McDonald T. 2003. Persistence and cooperation: Undervalued keys to restoration? Ecological Management and Restoration 4, 82.
McNamara, C. 2003. Strategic Planning (in nonprofit or for-profit organizations). In: Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation. 296 pp. Free Management Library, Authenticity Consulting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Meek, P. and Kirwood R. 2003. Generating Conservation Kernels to Select Areas to Control Foxes and the Implications for Pest Management Practice in State Forests. Ecological Management and Restoration 4: 66-72.
Meek P. and Shields, J. 2004 The Hastings River Mouse Scientific Forum. 4-5 March, 2004, Cumberland State Forest, Sydney. Proceedings edited by P. Meek and J. Shields. Forests NSW, Locked Bag 23, Pennant Hills, NSW.
Menkhorst, P., Schedvin, N., and Geering, D. 1999. Regent Honeyeater ( Xanthomyza phrygia) Recovery Plan 1999-2003. DEH Website 2004.
Muir, A. M., Edwards, S. A. and Dickens, J. M. 1995 Description and conservation status of the vegetation of the box-ironbark ecosystem in Victoria. Flora and Fauna Technical Report Number 136, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Victoria.
Nicholson, E. 1999. Winds of change for silvicultural practice in NSW native forests. Australian Forestry 62: 223-35.
Natural Resources and Environment. 1998a Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
Natural Resources and Environment. 1998b Victoria's Biodiversity: our living wealth. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
NPWS (National Parks and Wildlife Service). 2001 Threat Abatement Plan for Predation by the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). National Parks and Wildlife Service. Hurstville.
DEC (Department of Environment and Conservation). 2004. Draft Threat Abatement Plan for Invasion of native plant communities by bitou bush/boneseed. National Parks and Wildlife Service. Hurstville.
NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning. 1999 Report for the Comprehensive Regional Assessment Project NA57/ESFM: Application of protective measures/forest practices into a quantitative database. Resources Assessment and Conservation Division, NSW Dept of Urban Affairs and Planning, Sydney.
O'Connor C. Marvier M. and Kareiva P. 2003. Biological vs. social, economic and political priority-setting in conservation. Ecology Letters 6 No. 8 Pp 706-711(6)
Oliver, I. and Parkes, D. 2003 A Prototype Toolkit for Scoring Biodiversity Benefits of Land Use Change. Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, Sydney.
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 1999. Reclaiming a Petrel's Paradise. Nature Australia 3: 60-63.
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 2001. A trial translocation of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera).EMU: 2001: 101: 79-88
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 1995. An Artificial Nest Box for Burrow-Nesting Seabirds. EMU 1995: 95, 290-294.
Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 1995. Mortality of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera).at the Nesting Site on Cabbage Tree Island, New South Wales. EMU 1995: 95, 259-264
Priddel, D., N. Carlile and R. Wheeler. 2000. Eradication of European rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) from Cabbage Tree Island, NSW, Australia, to protect the breeding habitat of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera).Biological. Conservation 94 (2000) 115-125.
Priddel, D., N. Carlile., C. Davey and P. Fullagar. 1995. The Status of Gould's Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera) on Cabbage Tree Island, New South Wales. Wildl. Res. 1995, 22, 601-10.
Schodde, R., Mason, I. J. and Christidis, L. 1992. Regional age and sexual differentiation in the Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia. Corella 16: 23-28.
Seebeck, J. H. and Johnston, P. J. 1980 Potorous longipes (Marsupialia: Macropodidae); a new species from eastern Victoria. Australian Journal of Zoology, 28, 119-134.
Simberloff, D. 1999. The role of science in the preservation of forest biodiversity. Forest Ecology and Management 115: 101-11.
Smyth, A. K., Lamb, D., Hall, L., McCallum, H., Moloney, D. and Smith, G. 2000. Towards scientifically valid management tools for sustainable forest management: species guilds versus model species. Pp 118-24 in Management for Sustainable Ecosystems, edited by P. Hale, A. Petrie, D. Moloney and P. Sattler. Centre for Conservation Biology, the University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Song, S. J. and McGonigle, R. M. 2001. Science, power and system dynamics: the political economy of conservation biology. Conservation Biology 15. 980-989.
State Forests of NSW. 2002 Seeing: Social, Environmental and Economic Report 2001/02. State Forests of NSW, Locked Bag 23, Pennant Hills, N. S. W.
List of Bibliography of the Hastings River Mouse: Blackwell, G., Graham, K., Hochuli, D. and Meek, P. D. 2003. Habitat use by the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis): are management prescriptions accurate? Poster Paper at the Ecological Society of Australia, 2003 Conference, Armidale NSW.
Fox, B., Read, D., Jefferies, E and Luo, J. 1994. Diet of the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). Wildlife Research 21: 491-505.
Jerry, D. R., Dow, T. A., Elphinstone, M. S. and Bavestock, P. R. 1998. Historical and contemporary maternal population structuring in the endangered Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). Conservation Biology 12, 1017-1022.
Graham, K. 2003. Responses of invertebrate and mammalian fauna to hard and soft edges in Eucalypt forests, Chapter 4. Honours Thesis, University of Sydney.
Keating, J. 2000. Factors affecting the distribution of two rare small mammals at Grady's Creek Border Ranges national Park, North-East NSW. Honours Thesis, Southern Cross University, Lismore.
King, G. C. 1984. Habitat utilised by Pseudomys oralis.Australian Mammalogy 7, 139-47.
King, G and Mackowski, C. 1986. Two new localities for Pseudomys oralis Thomas (Rodentia: Muridae) in NSW. Australian Mammalogy 9: 63-5.
Meek P. D, 2002a. Radio tracking and Spool-and-line study of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis (MURIDAE) in Marengo State Forest NSW. State Forests of NSW Unpublished Report.
Meek P. D, 2002b. The nest of the Hastings River mouse Pseudomys oralis.Australian Mammalogy 24: 225-227.
Meek P. D., McCray, K. and Cann, B, 2003. New records of Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis from State Forest of NSW pre-logging surveys. Australian Mammalogy 25: 101-105.
Meek, P. (unpublished) Home range and habitat use of Pseudomys oralis I. radio tracking.
NSW NPWS 2003. Draft Recovery Plan for the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). NSW NPWS, Sydney.
Pyke, GH and Read DG, 2002. Hastings River mouse ( Pseudomys oralis): A biological review. Australian Mammalogy 24: 151-176.
Read, D. G. 1993a. Prescriptions for the identification of habitats of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis.Forestry Commission NSW Technical Paper No. 58.
Read, D. G. 1993b. Body size in Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis from old and new locations. Australian Zoologist 29: 117-23.
Read, D. G. and Tweedie, T. D. 1996. Floristics of habitats of Pseudomys oralis.Wildlife Research 23, 485-93.
Smith, A, Ferrier, S, Hines, H. and Quin, D. 1996. Modelling the geographical range of the endangered Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis) (Rodentia: Muridae) in North-East NSW. Unpublished Report to the Hastings River Mouse Recovery Team, AUSTECO, Armidale.
Smith, A. and Quin, D. 1996. Patterns and causes of extinction and decline in Australian Conilurine rodents. Biological Conservation 77, 243-267.
Smith, A, Phillips, C., and Townley, S. 1996. Diet and habitat preferences of the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis) (Rodentia: Muridae). Unpublished Report to the Hastings River Mouse Recovery Team, AUSTECO, Armidale.
Smith, A. P. and Quin D. G. 1997. Microhabitat requirements of the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis) (Rodentia: Muridae). Unpublished report to the Hastings River Mouse Recovery Team. AUSTECO Environmental Consultants.
Tasker, E. and Dickman, C. 2004. Small mammal community composition in grazed and frequently-burnt Eucalypt forests of the northern tablelands of NSW. Pp 721-740 in Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (second edition), edited by D. Lunney D. Royal zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW.
Tasker, E. 2003. Disturbance and the Hastings River Mouse: landscape-scale processes and management of the endangered species. Abstract from the Ecological Society of Australia Conference, Armidale 2003.
Townley, S. 1997. Diet and social organisation of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis (Rodentia: Muriadae) in northeastern NSW. Unpublished Draft report to NSW NPWS.
Townley, S. 2000. The ecology of the Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis in North eastern NSW and Queensland. PhD Thesis, Southern Cross University, Lismore.
Tweedie, T. and York, A. 1993. Survey Guidelines for the Hastings River Mouse ( Pseudomys oralis). SFNSW Technical Paper 62. State Forests of NSW, Sydney.
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