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The effective conservation of the dingo in Australia requires that a purebred animal can be reliably distinguished from a hybrid domestic dog. Even though the dingo and the dog are closely related differences in DNA between them can be used as the basis of a test to detect hybrids. Genetic markers that show high variability between individuals may show differences between related groups. Microsatellite loci show very high variability and many are available for the dog. From 72 microsatellites tested, 12 show distinct differences in the alleles found in dingoes and dogs. Microsatellites that are diagnostic, that is show no overlap between alleles in the dingo and the dog, are the most useful for testing. However, conditions are not ideal for detecting these since some dog breeds have dingo ancestry and the purity of dingoes currently in captivity is not guaranteed. Estimates of purity can still be made by comparing the relative likelihoods of an animal belonging to one group or another based on the frequency of the alleles found in that animal in the groups being compared.

Corbett, L. K., 1995 The dingo in Australia and Asia. University of New South Wales Press Ltd, Sydney
Gottelli, D., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Applebaum, G. D., Roy, M. S., Girman, D. J., Garcia-Moreno, J., Ostrander, E. A. and Wayne, R. K. 1994. Molecular genetics of the most endangered canid: the Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis.Molecular Ecology 3: 301-12
Holmes, N. G., Mellersh, C. S., Humphreys, S. J., Binns, M. M., Holliman, A., Curtis, R. and Sampson, J. 1993. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from canine genome. Animal Genetics 24: 289-292
Mellersh, C., Holmes, N., Binns, M. and Sampson, J. 1994. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms at four canine loci (LEI003, LEI007, LEI008 and LEI015). Animal Genetics 25: 125
Mellersh, C. S., Langston, A. A., Acland, G. M., Fleming, M. A., Ray, K., Weigand, N. A., Francisco, L. V., Gibbs, M., Aguirre, G. D. and Ostrander, E. A. 1997. A linkage map of the canine genome. Genomics 46: 326-336
Newsome, A. E., Corbett, L. K. and Carpenter, S. M. 1980. The identity of the dingo. I. Morphological discrimination of the dingo and dog skulls. Australian Journal of Zoology 28: 615-625
Newsome, A. E. and Corbett, L. K. 1982. The identity of the dingo. II. Hybridisation with domestic dogs in captivity and in the wild. Australian Journal of Zoology 30: 365-374
Newsome, A. E. and Corbett, L. K. 1985. The identity of the dingo. III. The incidence of hybrids and their coat colours in remote and settled regions of Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 363-375
Ostrander, E. A., Sprague, G. F. and Rine, J. 1993. Identification and characterization of dinucleotide repeats (CA)n markers for genetic mapping in dog. Genomics 16: 207-213
Roy, M. S., Geffen, E., Smith, D., Ostrander, E. A. and Wayne, R. K. 1994. Patterns of differentiation and hybridization in North American wolflike canids, revealed by analysis of microsatellite loci. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 553-570
Weber, J. and May, 1989. Abundant class of human DNA polymorphisms which can be typed using the polymerase chain reaction. American Journal of Human Genetics 44: 388-96
Wilton, A. N., Steward, D. J. and Zafiris, K. 1999. Microsatellite variation in the Australian dingoes. Journal of Heredity 90: 108-11
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Corbett, L. K., 1995 The dingo in Australia and Asia. University of New South Wales Press Ltd, Sydney
Gottelli, D., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Applebaum, G. D., Roy, M. S., Girman, D. J., Garcia-Moreno, J., Ostrander, E. A. and Wayne, R. K. 1994. Molecular genetics of the most endangered canid: the Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis.Molecular Ecology 3: 301-12
Holmes, N. G., Mellersh, C. S., Humphreys, S. J., Binns, M. M., Holliman, A., Curtis, R. and Sampson, J. 1993. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from canine genome. Animal Genetics 24: 289-292
Mellersh, C., Holmes, N., Binns, M. and Sampson, J. 1994. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms at four canine loci (LEI003, LEI007, LEI008 and LEI015). Animal Genetics 25: 125
Mellersh, C. S., Langston, A. A., Acland, G. M., Fleming, M. A., Ray, K., Weigand, N. A., Francisco, L. V., Gibbs, M., Aguirre, G. D. and Ostrander, E. A. 1997. A linkage map of the canine genome. Genomics 46: 326-336
Newsome, A. E., Corbett, L. K. and Carpenter, S. M. 1980. The identity of the dingo. I. Morphological discrimination of the dingo and dog skulls. Australian Journal of Zoology 28: 615-625
Newsome, A. E. and Corbett, L. K. 1982. The identity of the dingo. II. Hybridisation with domestic dogs in captivity and in the wild. Australian Journal of Zoology 30: 365-374
Newsome, A. E. and Corbett, L. K. 1985. The identity of the dingo. III. The incidence of hybrids and their coat colours in remote and settled regions of Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 363-375
Ostrander, E. A., Sprague, G. F. and Rine, J. 1993. Identification and characterization of dinucleotide repeats (CA)n markers for genetic mapping in dog. Genomics 16: 207-213
Roy, M. S., Geffen, E., Smith, D., Ostrander, E. A. and Wayne, R. K. 1994. Patterns of differentiation and hybridization in North American wolflike canids, revealed by analysis of microsatellite loci. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11: 553-570
Weber, J. and May, 1989. Abundant class of human DNA polymorphisms which can be typed using the polymerase chain reaction. American Journal of Human Genetics 44: 388-96
Wilton, A. N., Steward, D. J. and Zafiris, K. 1999. Microsatellite variation in the Australian dingoes. Journal of Heredity 90: 108-11
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