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Innovation and the avoidance of dogma will undoubtedly be required in the massive effort to stem the decline, and then rebuild Australia's outstanding biodiversity. There is wide consensus that our traditional protected areas alone will be inadequate and a whole range of other instruments which cover many tenures and achieve greatly increased areas for conservation will be required. However, enthusiasts for additional conservation mechanisms need to avoid undermining the existing protected area concept which, despite its faults plays a major role in conservation. This opinion paper argues that ‘off reserve’ or ‘new reserve’ efforts should be integrated into and build on existing national parks if the agreed goal of whole of landscape conservation is to be achieved.

Archer, M. 1999, ‘Sustaining Australia's Land -Time for Action’ available on the Australian Museum website
Beale, B. 1999, ‘Wanted Urgently-Rational Parks, Bulletin April 27 pp.53-56.
Beattie, A. (ed.) 1995, Australia's Biodiversity: Living Wealth, Reed Books, Australia.
Bureau of Tourism Research 1996, Research Paper No 5, ‘Tourism's Economic Contribution’
Bureau of Tourism Research 1998, National Visitor Survey, Canberra, ACT.
Commonwealth of Australia 1996, The National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity, Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.
Figgis, P. 1999, Australia's National Parks and Protected Areas: Future Directions, ACIUCN Occasional Paper Number 8, Australian Committee for International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
IUCN, 1996, Economic Assessment of Protected Areas: Guidelines for their Assessment - Summary and a supplement entitled ‘A Park Managers Introduction to Economic Impact Assessment’, IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland.
Mackay, B. & Nix, H. 2000, ANU, Personal communication via email July 7th.
Mackay, B. G., Lesslie, R. G., Lindenmayer, D. B., and Nix, H. A. 1998, ‘Wilderness and its place in nature conservation in Australia’, Pacific Conservation Biology, 4, pp. 182-185
Reid, J. & Puckridge, J. 1992, ‘Innaminka Regional Reserve: A Mismanaged Multiple Land-Use Reserve’, paper presented to the Australian Rangelands Society, 7th Biennial Conference, Cobar, NSW, 5-8 October.
Suzuki, David 1997, The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering our place in nature, Geystone Books, Vancover, British Columbia.
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Archer, M. 1999, ‘Sustaining Australia's Land -Time for Action’ available on the Australian Museum website
Beale, B. 1999, ‘Wanted Urgently-Rational Parks, Bulletin April 27 pp.53-56.
Beattie, A. (ed.) 1995, Australia's Biodiversity: Living Wealth, Reed Books, Australia.
Bureau of Tourism Research 1996, Research Paper No 5, ‘Tourism's Economic Contribution’
Bureau of Tourism Research 1998, National Visitor Survey, Canberra, ACT.
Commonwealth of Australia 1996, The National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity, Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.
Figgis, P. 1999, Australia's National Parks and Protected Areas: Future Directions, ACIUCN Occasional Paper Number 8, Australian Committee for International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
IUCN, 1996, Economic Assessment of Protected Areas: Guidelines for their Assessment - Summary and a supplement entitled ‘A Park Managers Introduction to Economic Impact Assessment’, IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland.
Mackay, B. & Nix, H. 2000, ANU, Personal communication via email July 7th.
Mackay, B. G., Lesslie, R. G., Lindenmayer, D. B., and Nix, H. A. 1998, ‘Wilderness and its place in nature conservation in Australia’, Pacific Conservation Biology, 4, pp. 182-185
Reid, J. & Puckridge, J. 1992, ‘Innaminka Regional Reserve: A Mismanaged Multiple Land-Use Reserve’, paper presented to the Australian Rangelands Society, 7th Biennial Conference, Cobar, NSW, 5-8 October.
Suzuki, David 1997, The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering our place in nature, Geystone Books, Vancover, British Columbia.
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