The cost to orchardists in the management of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Who pays? A community benefit approach
Ed Biel, 2002. "The cost to orchardists in the management of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Who pays? A community benefit approach", Managing the Grey-headed Flying-fox: As a Threatened Species in NSW, Peggy Eby, Daniel Lunney
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The NSW government has seen fit to list the Grey Headed Flying-fox (GHFF) as Vulnerable. The listing will limit the ability of fruit growers to protect their crops from damage by this species. The GHFF has been protected by government on behalf of the community. In my submission, it is then equitable that the whole community, which benefits from the protection of this animal, help the fruit grower cover the cost associated with the protection. There are several ways this could be accomplished: by funding research into methods by which GHFF can be deterred from damaging crops, by making it possible for the grower to net his crop where feasible, by allowing him to protect his livelihood through judicious and timely culling, or by compensation for loss. There are a number of instances where the community currently meets, or will soon be required to meet, the extra costs of conserving biodiversity. In my view it is only right and just, and indeed may even be an obligation, for the community to assist and/or compensate fruit growers with any extra costs associated with listing the GHFF as Vulnerable.