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For a highly urbanised city, such as Sydney, there are limited opportunities for revegetation. Through consultation with councils, private landholders, community groups and State Government agencies, realistic opportunities have been identified particularly along riparian and transport corridors occurring on both public and private land. This has been made possible by the Green Web Sydney project. Green Web Sydney proposes the establishment of a green web of native vegetation to protect, conserve and enhance remaining remnant bushland in the Sydney region. Central to this plan is the establishment of habitat corridors that link fragmented patches of bushland to facilitate the movement of wildlife and natural dispersal of native plants, and the implementation of various biodiversity initiatives within Council organisations. The project encourages a consistent and cooperative approach to native vegetation management in the Sydney region. By working locally and regionally within the framework of Green Web, councils and the community will create a green web of bushland corridors, protecting remnant bushland of conservation value and thus enhance Sydney's rich biodiversity and natural heritage.

Bateson, P. 2001 Incentives for sustainable land management: Community cost sharing to conserve biodiversity on private lands. A guide for local government. Revised edition. Environs Australia, Melbourne and Environment Australia, Canberra.
Binning, C., Young, M. and Cripps, E. 1999 Beyond roads, rates and rubbish: Opportunities for local government to conserve native vegetation. National Research and Development Program on Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation of Remnant Vegetation. Research Report, 1/99 Environment Australia, Canberra.
Fallding, M., Kelly, A. H. H., Bateson, P. and Donovan, I. 2001 Biodiversity Planning Guide for NSW Local Government. Edition 1. Prepared by Land and Environment Planning, and Environs Australia for the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, Sydney.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. 2001 The Biodiversity Guide for NSW Local Government. Prepared by Land and Environment Planning, and Environs Australia for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Seidlich, B. 1997 Green Web Sydney: A Vegetation Management Plan for the Sydney Region. Action Plan for Local Government. Sydney Regional Organisations of Councils, Sydney.
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