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The Large Bent-wing Bat Miniopterus schreibersii has often been perceived as a native species thriving in our rapidly expanding urban landscape. We used a number of historical and current data sets to assess whether this perception is supported by direct evidence. Investigation of museum records revealed that it was present within inner Sydney from at least 1892. Even at this time it was utilising human structures, including the cellar of Elizabeth Bay House. An examination of both historical and current use of diurnal roosts suggests that there has been a recent possible change in the structure of populations using the Sydney metropolitan area, Australia's largest urban landscape. All roosts examined since 1995 are occupied from March to September and are vacant over the summer months. This contrasts with the only roost prior to 1995 that has been studied in any detail. Banding records indicate that a disused railway tunnel at North Sydney was occupied during most months of the year until its abandonment by bats during the 1980s. It also was known to, at times, accommodate double the maximum number of bats recorded in any roost investigated since 1995. Investigation of injury rates in urban populations provides evidence that they are indeed under stress, suffering increasing rates of injury through the winter period, unlike populations in roosts away from urban influence.

Australian Museum Business Services (AMBS). 1995 Fauna Impact Statement for proposed demolition of disused Balmain power Station - “A” station. Report to Pacific Power. AMBS, 1 Stanley Lane, East Sydney 2010.
Dwyer, P. D. 1963a. The breeding biology of Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis (Temminck) (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 11:219-240.
Dwyer, P. D. 1963b. Seasonal changes in pelage of Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 11:290-300.
Dwyer, P. D. 1964. Seasonal changes in activity and weight of Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 12:52-69.
Dwyer, P. D. 1965. Flight patterns of some eastern Australian bats. Victorian Naturalist. 82:36-41.
Dwyer, P. D. 1966a. The population pattern of Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 14:1073-1137.
Dwyer, P. D. 1966b. Mortality factors of the Bent-winged Bat. Victorian Naturalist. 83:31-36.
Dwyer, P. D. 1969. Population ranges of Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera) in southeastern Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology. 17:665-686.
Dwyer, P. D. 1971. Temperature regulation and cave-dwelling in bats: an evolutionary perspective. Mammalia 35:424-455.
Dwyer, P. D. and Hamilton-Smith, E. 1965. Breeding caves and maternity colonies of the bent-wing bat in southeastern Australia. Helictite 4:8-21.
Dwyer, P. D. and Harris, J. A. 1972. Behavioural acclimitisation to temperature by pregnant Miniopterus (Chiroptera). Physiological Zoology 45:14-21.
Dwyer, P. D. 1995. Common Bentwing-bat Miniopterus schreibersii. Pp.494-95 in Strahan, R. ed. The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books, Chatswood.
Ecotone Ecological Consultants. 1996. Species Impact Assessment of Threatened Bat Species at Cataract Tunnel near Appin, NSW. Report prepared for Sydney Water. November 1996. Operations Services, Transwater, PO Box 365, Guilford, NSW, Australia 2161.
Fly By Night Bat Surveys. 1997 The relocation and exclusion of a colony of Large Bent-wing Bats (Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis) from Potts Hill Reservoir near Lidcombe, New South Wales. Report to Sydney Water. August 1997. Operations Services, Transwater, PO Box 365, Guilford, NSW, Australia 2161.
Fly By Night Bat Surveys. 2000. Fauna and flora assessment - Waverton Peninsula. Report to North Sydney Council. June 2000. North Sydney Council, PO Box 12, North Sydney, NSW Australia 2059.
Hall, L. S. 1982. The effect of cave microclimate on winter roosting behaviour in the bat, Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis. Australian Journal of Ecology 7:129-136.
Hoye, G. A. 2000 The Discovery of Two New and Distinctive Maternity Roosts of the Large Bent-wing Bat in the Hunter Valley, NSW. Spoken Presentation. 9th Australasian Bat Conference. Tocal, New South Wales. April 2000.
Parnaby, H. 1996. The Common Name and Common Misconceptions about the Common Bentwing-bat. The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 7:35-38.
Richards, G. C. 2000. Natural wing tears in Large Bentwing bats ( Miniopterus schreibersii). The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 15:48.
Tuttle, M. D. and Taylor, D. A. R. 1998 Bats and Mines. Resource Publication No. 3, Bat Conservation International.
Troughton, E. 1973 Furred Mammals of Australia. Abridged 9th Edition. Angus & Robertson. Sydney.
Vestjens, W. J. M. and Hall, L. S. 1977. Stomach contents of forty-two species of bats from the Australasian region. Australian Wildlife Research. 4:25-35.
Wilson, P. D. 2000a Old banding data for Miniopterus schreibersii: a potential goldmine.The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 15:24.
Wilson, P. D. 2000b Records for banding work by Barbara Dew (and a few others) extracted from notes transcribed from Microfiched Banding Schedules for Miniopterus schreibersii spanning from 1957 to 1984. Unpublished material. August 2000.
Woodside, D. P. and Hathway, J. E. 1997 Removal of bats from the Potts Hill Reservoir. Report to Sydney Water from Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales. March 1997. Operations Services, Transwater, PO Box 365, Guilford, NSW, Australia 2161.
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Australian Museum Business Services (AMBS). 1995 Fauna Impact Statement for proposed demolition of disused Balmain power Station - “A” station. Report to Pacific Power. AMBS, 1 Stanley Lane, East Sydney 2010.
Dwyer, P. D. 1963a. The breeding biology of Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis (Temminck) (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 11:219-240.
Dwyer, P. D. 1963b. Seasonal changes in pelage of Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 11:290-300.
Dwyer, P. D. 1964. Seasonal changes in activity and weight of Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 12:52-69.
Dwyer, P. D. 1965. Flight patterns of some eastern Australian bats. Victorian Naturalist. 82:36-41.
Dwyer, P. D. 1966a. The population pattern of Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera) in northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology. 14:1073-1137.
Dwyer, P. D. 1966b. Mortality factors of the Bent-winged Bat. Victorian Naturalist. 83:31-36.
Dwyer, P. D. 1969. Population ranges of Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera) in southeastern Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology. 17:665-686.
Dwyer, P. D. 1971. Temperature regulation and cave-dwelling in bats: an evolutionary perspective. Mammalia 35:424-455.
Dwyer, P. D. and Hamilton-Smith, E. 1965. Breeding caves and maternity colonies of the bent-wing bat in southeastern Australia. Helictite 4:8-21.
Dwyer, P. D. and Harris, J. A. 1972. Behavioural acclimitisation to temperature by pregnant Miniopterus (Chiroptera). Physiological Zoology 45:14-21.
Dwyer, P. D. 1995. Common Bentwing-bat Miniopterus schreibersii. Pp.494-95 in Strahan, R. ed. The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books, Chatswood.
Ecotone Ecological Consultants. 1996. Species Impact Assessment of Threatened Bat Species at Cataract Tunnel near Appin, NSW. Report prepared for Sydney Water. November 1996. Operations Services, Transwater, PO Box 365, Guilford, NSW, Australia 2161.
Fly By Night Bat Surveys. 1997 The relocation and exclusion of a colony of Large Bent-wing Bats (Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis) from Potts Hill Reservoir near Lidcombe, New South Wales. Report to Sydney Water. August 1997. Operations Services, Transwater, PO Box 365, Guilford, NSW, Australia 2161.
Fly By Night Bat Surveys. 2000. Fauna and flora assessment - Waverton Peninsula. Report to North Sydney Council. June 2000. North Sydney Council, PO Box 12, North Sydney, NSW Australia 2059.
Hall, L. S. 1982. The effect of cave microclimate on winter roosting behaviour in the bat, Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis. Australian Journal of Ecology 7:129-136.
Hoye, G. A. 2000 The Discovery of Two New and Distinctive Maternity Roosts of the Large Bent-wing Bat in the Hunter Valley, NSW. Spoken Presentation. 9th Australasian Bat Conference. Tocal, New South Wales. April 2000.
Parnaby, H. 1996. The Common Name and Common Misconceptions about the Common Bentwing-bat. The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 7:35-38.
Richards, G. C. 2000. Natural wing tears in Large Bentwing bats ( Miniopterus schreibersii). The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 15:48.
Tuttle, M. D. and Taylor, D. A. R. 1998 Bats and Mines. Resource Publication No. 3, Bat Conservation International.
Troughton, E. 1973 Furred Mammals of Australia. Abridged 9th Edition. Angus & Robertson. Sydney.
Vestjens, W. J. M. and Hall, L. S. 1977. Stomach contents of forty-two species of bats from the Australasian region. Australian Wildlife Research. 4:25-35.
Wilson, P. D. 2000a Old banding data for Miniopterus schreibersii: a potential goldmine.The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 15:24.
Wilson, P. D. 2000b Records for banding work by Barbara Dew (and a few others) extracted from notes transcribed from Microfiched Banding Schedules for Miniopterus schreibersii spanning from 1957 to 1984. Unpublished material. August 2000.
Woodside, D. P. and Hathway, J. E. 1997 Removal of bats from the Potts Hill Reservoir. Report to Sydney Water from Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales. March 1997. Operations Services, Transwater, PO Box 365, Guilford, NSW, Australia 2161.
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