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Tadpoles of two stream-breeding, forest-dwelling frogs (Mixophyes balbus andHeleioporus australiacus) were exposed to multiple short-term suspended sediment influxes, simulating storms. Three sediment concentrations were represented (control, low - 200 mg·L−1, and extremely high - 1655 mg·L−1) to approximate concentrations recorded in previous hydrological studies. Growth for both species and survivorship (individuals had lost a designated body mass) forM. balbus did not differ significantly between the three treatments over the 18-week experimental period. Survivorship ofH. australiacus tadpoles was higher in the high sediment regime. More tadpoles had sediment on gill surfaces in sediment treatments than controls in both species. The occurrence of sediment on the gills did not increase with increased exposure to sediment. Tadpoles ofH. australiacus appear to require a relatively low (≤ pH ~6.5) and constant water pH and the apparent advantage to tadpoles ofH. australiacus of a high sediment load, probably reflects their sensitivity to pH rather than an affect of sedimentper se. Tadpoles of both species are probably capable of surviving in streams that are subjected to brief periods of exposure to raised suspended sediments.

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