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A ‘political ecology’ perspective was used to examine the implications of the export woodchip scheme located near Eden in south east New South Wales (NSW) for the region's public forests and their fauna. The modern paper industry's political economy emphasises the importance of a large supply of wood fibre of suitable price and quality for competitive papermaking. The evolution of the Japanese paper industry and the exploitative history of forests in south east NSW interacted to create the opportunity to establish such a supply in Australia for the Japanese papermaker Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co from 1970. The ‘Harris-Daishowa’ export woodchip scheme at Eden was based on the guaranteed supply of large volumes of pulpwood from the region's public native forests. Meeting this supply entailed restructuring available forests through clearfell logging over about 40 years. Features of the regime used to manage these forests and supply pulpwood were examined within this context, and the consequences of woodchipping for fauna protection are discussed. Fauna populations were being restructured by this regime, which ‘squeezed’ them between priorities for wood production and fire management. In particular, forest-dependent fauna, such as gliders, some possums and koalas, have been detrimentally impacted. Substantial changes to public forest management in south east NSW took almost 30 years to achieve. However, while export woodchipping continues, the ‘political ecology’ of local forest fauna will be influenced by international pulp and paper markets.

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Data & Figures


AHC, 1994 Summary - Statutory Advice from the Australian Heritage Commission to the Hon David Beddall, MP Minister for Resources on Proposed 1995 Harris-Daishowa Export Woodchip Licence South East NSW Only (plus Background: Section 30 Advice on Export Woodchip Licences), Australian Heritage Commission, Barton, 7 December, 5 pp.
AHC, 2002 Register of the National Estate Database - Sites within or near ‘Eden’, Australian Heritage Commission,, date read: 18 June 2002.
AHC, 2004 Australian Heritage Commission, Australian Heritage Commission,, date read: 14 February 2004.
Anon, 1998 Regional Forest Agreements and the Public Interest, National Symposium, Thursday, 16 July 1998, Report for the Australian Journal of Environmental Management, Australian National University,, date read: 15 February 2004.
ATJ, 1971. High Expectations for Eden Chip Project. Australian Timber Journal, June: 61-71.
Ausnewz, 2001 The Future Market for Pulpwood in Japan & China, AUSNEWZ Intelligence Service, URS Forestry, North Hobart & Richmond, 157 pp.
Australia, 1977 Woodchips and the Environment, Report from the Senate Standing Committee on Science and the Environment, Parliamentary Paper No. 79/1977, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 24 May, 454 pp.
Australia, 1997 East Gippsland Regional Forest Agreement, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australian Government,, date posted: 3 February, date read: 14 February 2004.
Australia, 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002, An Act relating to Regional Forest Agreements, and for other purposes, No. 30, 2003, available at
Australia, 2003 Industry Development - Regional Forest Agreements, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,, date posted: 22 August, date read: 17 January 2004.
Australia and NSW, 1999 Regional Forest Agreement for the Eden Region of New South Wales between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of New South Wales, August, 93 pp.
Barr, C., 2000 Profits on Paper: The Political-Economy of Fiber, Finance, and Debt in Indonesia's Pulp and Paper Industries, CIFOR & WWF, Macroeconomics Program Office, 30 November, 52 pp.
Barr, C., 2001. The Financial Collapse of Asia Pulp & Paper: Moral Hazard and Implications for Indonesia's Forests. Paper presented at Asian Development Form-3, Bangkok, 12 June, 24 pp.
Becker, J., Bahr, F., Meyer, L. and Western, A. W., 1988 Paper Technology and the Third World: Economic conditions and technical alternatives for the production of cultural paper, Friedr. Viewig & Sohn, Braunschweig, 145 pp.
Biermann, C. J., 1996 Handbook of Pulping and Papermaking, Academic Press, London, 754 pp.
Bills, D., pers. com. 2001 Personal communication from David Bills, Director-General of the Forestry Commission of Great Britain, to Ian Penna, 19 September (and follow-up correspondence).
Braithwaite, L. W., 1983. Studies of the Arboreal Marsupial Fauna of Eucalypt Forests being Harvested for Woodpulp at Eden, N.S.W. I. The Species and Distribution of Animals. Australian Wildlife Research, 10: 219-229.
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