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Following two centuries of land clearing, the past two decades have seen growing efforts to reestablish forest on formerly-cleared sites. While the immediate goals of reforestation vary, there is also a widespread expectation that one of its effects will be an improvement in “biodiversity value”. However, agreed standards concerning how this can be measured, and against what benchmarks it should be judged, are lacking. This paper describes a study of biodiversity development in different types of rainforest reforestation in tropical and subtropical eastern Australia. It provides information on the responses of rainforest fauna and also discusses key issues of survey design and methodology that, if ignored, may limit the effectiveness of monitoring programs.

The nature of rainforest, its history within Australia, and its role as fauna habitat are briefly reviewed. Modern deforestation and human land use, and various reforestation pathways (including regrowth, timber plantation, and ecological restoration projects) are described. Then, design principles, biodiversity measurements, and issues relating to their choice are discussed. These include: spatial scale; site selection and replication in relation to environmental variation; reference sites; the array of potentially measurable biotic and process variables, and spatio-temporal measurement scales. Finally we explore analytical options and present selected findings, using univariate and multivariate approaches, and comparing simple species richness, functional groupings, and analyses of taxonomic composition. Rainforest biodiversity value is defined as the development of a rainforest-like set of biota and ecological processes. Reforested sites were generally intermediate between pasture and rainforest reference sites in the measured components of rainforest biodiversity value. Many components had been rapidly (by around 10 years) acquired by ecological restoration sites, although it is clear that some components will take decades or longer to develop. The results also show: (1) the existence of production/ biodiversity trade-offs, in that sites managed for timber production acquired less biodiversity value than those planted for ecological restoration; (2) moderate correspondence across different indicator taxa when they are analysed for assemblage composition; (3) very little agreement among indicator taxa when overall richness is used; (4) a likelihood of important landscape and context effects. Long-term conservation of rainforest fauna will require rainforest restoration over substantial areas of currently denuded land. However, although rainforest restoration may often show reasonable success, it should not be viewed as an alternative to conserving existing remnants and advanced regrowth.

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Data & Figures


Adam, P. 1994 Australian Rainforests. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Andrén H. 1994. Effects of habitat fragmentation on birds and mammals in landscapes with different proportions of suitable habitat: a review. Oikos 71:355-366.
Archer, M., Hand, S.J., and Godthelp, H. 1991 Riversleigh. The Story of Animals in Ancient Rainforests of Inland Australia. Reed Books, Balgowlah.
Armstrong, J.K. 1993. Restoration of function or diversity? Pp. 209-214 in Nature Conservation 3: Reconstruction of Fragmented Ecosystems, edited by D.A. Saunders, R.J. Hobbs and P.R. Ehrlich. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Arnold, G.W., Abensperg-Traun, M., Hobbs, R.J., Steven, D.E., Atkins, L., Viveen, J.J. and Gutter, D.M. 2002. Recovery of shrubland communities on abandoned farmland in southwestern Australia: soils, plants, birds and arthropods. Pacific Conservation Biology 5: 163-178.
Belbin L. 1995 PATN Users Guide and PATN Technical Reference. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology, Canberra.
Bennett, A.F., Kimber, S.L and Ryan, P.A. 2000 Revegetation and Wildlife-A Guide to Enhancing Revegetated Habitats for Wildlife Conservation in Rural Environments. Bushcare National Projects Research and Developments Program Report 2/00, Canberra.
Bentley, J.M., Catterall, C.P. and Smith, G.C. 2000. Effects of fragmentation of araucarian vine forest on small mammal communities. Conservation Biology 14: 1075-1087.
Bonham, K.J., Mesibov, R. and Bashford, R. 2002. Diversity and abundance of some ground-dwelling invertebrates in plantation vs. native forests in Tasmania, Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 158: 237-247.
Bowman, D.M.J.S. 2000 Australian Rainforests. Islands of Green in a Land of Fire. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Burgman, M.A. and Lindenmayer, D.B. 2000 Conservation Biology for the Australian Environment. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Cairns, J., Jr. 1993. Ecological restoration: replenishing our national and global ecological capital. Pp. 193-208 in Nature Conservation 3: Reconstruction of Fragmented Ecosystems, edited by D.A. Saunders, R.J. Hobbs and P.R. Ehrlich. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Cassells, D.S., Bonell, M., Gilmour, D.A. and Valentine, P.S. 1988. Conservation and management of Australia's tropical rainforests: local realities and global responsibilities. Pp. 313-326 in Ecology of Australia's Wet Tropics. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia, Vol. 15, edited by R.L. Kitching. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Catterall, C.P. 2000. Wildlife biodiversity challenges for tropical rainforest plantations. Pp. 191-195 in Opportunities for the New Millenium. Proceedings of the Australian Forest Growers Biennial Conference, edited by A. Snell and S. Vise. Australian Forest Growers, Canberra.
Catterall, C.P., Kingston, M.B. and Park, K. 1997. Use of remnant forest habitat by birds during winter in subtropical Australia: patterns and processes. Pacific Conservation Biology 3: 262-74.
Catterall, C.P., Kingston, M.B., Park, K. and Sewell, S. 1998. Effects of clearing lowland eucalypt forests on a regional bird assemblage. Biological Conservation 84: 65-81.
Clarke, K.R. 1993. Non-parametric multivariate analyses of change in community structure. Journal of Ecology 18: 117-43
Cofinas, M. and Creighton, C. 2001 Australian Native Vegetation Assessment 2001. National Land and Water Resources Audit, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
Covacevich, J. and McDonald, K.R. 1991. Frogs and reptiles of tropical and subtropical eastern Australian rainforests: distribution patterns and conservation. Pp. 281-309 in The Rainforest Legacy. Volume 2 - Flora and Fauna of the Rainforests, edited by G. Werren and P. Kershaw. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
Crome, F. H. J. 1990. Rainforest successions and vertebrates. Pp. 53-64 in Australian Tropical Rainforest-Science, Values, Meaning, edited by L.J. Webb and J. Kikkawa. CSIRO, Australia.
Crome, F. H. J. 1997. Researching tropical forest fragmentation: shall we keep on doing what we're doing? Pp. 485-501 in Tropical Forest Remnants. Ecology, Management and Conservation of Fragmented Communities, edited by W.F. Laurance and R.O. Bierregaard. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Crome, F., Isaacs, J. and Moore, L. 1994. The utility to birds and mammals of remnant riparian vegetation and associated windbreaks in the tropical Queensland uplands. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 328-343.
Dunphy, M. 1991. Rainforest weeds of the Big Scrub. Pp 85-93 in Rainforest Remnants, edited by S. Phillips. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Eberhardt, L.L. and Thomas, J.M. 1991. Designing environmental field studies. Ecological Monographs 6: 53-73.
Ehrenfeld, J. G. 2000. Defining the limits of restoration: the need for realistic goals. Restoration Ecology 8: 2-9.
Emtage, N.F., Harrison, S.R. and Herbohn, J.L. 2001. Landholder attitudes to and participation in farm forestry activities in sub-tropical and tropical eastern Australia. Pp. 195-210 in Sustainable Farm Forestry in the Tropics, edited by S.R Harrison and J.L Herbohn. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Erskine, P.D. 2002. Land clearing and forest rehabilitation in the Wet Tropics of north Queensland, Australia. Ecological Managment and Restoration 3: 136-138.
Floyd, A. 1990 Australian Rainforests in New South Wales. Volume 2. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton.
Frawley, K. 1991. Past rainforest management in Queensland. Pp. 85-106 in The Rainforest Legacy. Volume 3-Rainforest History, Dynamics and Management, edited by G. Werren and P. Kershaw. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
Freebody, K. and Vize, S. 1999. Local government's role in rainforest establishment and management in north Queensland. Pp. 198-205 in Rainforest Recovery for the New Millennium, edited by B. Boyes. World Wide Fund for Nature 1998 South-East Queensland Rainforest Recovery Conference, WWF, Sydney.
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