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This paper examines the management of hollows in trees in the jarrah forest. In the first part of this paper we present a framework for development of strategies for the retention of hollow-bearing trees at the stand scale, and the information available for application of this process to the jarrah forest is reviewed. Whilst significant information in relation to many elements of the framework is available, there is currently insufficient information to conclusively determine the effectiveness of the strategies adopted for management of hollows in the jarrah forest. In the second part of the paper, we discuss the suite of strategies that are employed across spatial scales to conserve hollows in the jarrah forest. The strategies include: the establishment of formal conservation reserves and informal reserves; the introduction of fauna habitat zones dispersed throughout the forest available for harvest; maintenance of connectivity, landscape heterogeneity, and stand structural complexity within the harvest area matrix, through silvicultural constraints such as limits on the size of gaps, prescribing minimum basal area to retain, and the retention of marked habitat trees, large marri trees and unmerchantable trees on harvested stands. These strategies reduce the risk to hollow-dependent fauna from timber harvesting.

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Abbott, I. 1998. Conservation of the forest red-tailed black cockatoo, a hollow-dependent species, in the eucalypt forests of Western Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 109: 175-185.
Abbott, I. and Whitford, K. 2002. Conservation of vertebrate fauna using hollows in forests of south-west Western Australia: Strategic risk assessment in relation to ecology, policy, planning, and operations management. Pacific Conservation Biology 7: 240-255.
Abbott, I. and Burrows, N. 2004. Monitoring biodiversity in jarrah forest in south-west Western Australia: the Forestcheck initiative. Pp. 947-58 in Conservation of Australia's forest fauna (second edition), edited by D. Lunney. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW.
Ambrose, G.J. 1982. An ecological and behavioural study of vertebrates using hollows in eucalypt branches. PhD thesis, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Armstrong, J.A. and Abbott, I. 1997. Habitat trees and logging - ecology of the Brush-tailed Phascogale in jarrah forest. Unpublished report. Forest Science Library8, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, W.A.
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Burrows, N. and Christensen P. 2002. Long-term trends in native mammal capture rates in a jarrah forest in south-western Australia. Australian Forestry 65(4): 211-219.
Burrows, N., Friend, G., Morris, K., Stoneman, G., Craig, M., and Williams, M. 1994. An integrated study of the effects of timber harvesting on the jarrah forest ecosystem unpublished report, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Forest Science Library8, Kensington, Western Australia.
Burrows, N.D., Ward, B. and Robinson, A.D. 1995. Jarrah forest fire history from stem analysis and anthropological evidence. Australian Forestry 58: 7-16.
Burrows, N., Christensen, P., Hopper, S., Ruprecht, J., Young, J. 2001. Ministerial condition 11: Panel report Part 1. Report for the Department of Conservation and Land Management. Western Australia.
Burrows, N., Christensen, P., Hopper, S., Ruprecht, J., Young, J. 2002. Towards ecologically sustainable forest management in Western Australia. A review for Draft Jarrah Silviculture Guideline 1/02. Panel report part 2 for the Conservation Commission of Western Australia.
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