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Important freshwater systems found in arid areas range from springs to waterholes and rivers. Periods of extreme aridity in the Pleistocene, especially during the last glacial period, resulted in the drying of most freshwater systems apart from a few permanent water holes and artesian springs. The present composition of the freshwater molluscan fauna reflects this history and is a mix of recent recolonisers and relictual taxa. A database of 5,047 records of freshwater molluscs was compiled from museum records for continental Australia and interrogated for the purposes of examining distributional trends for inland arid and semi-arid Australia. Endemism and species richness were examined at species, genus and family level. Of the 125 species-group taxa included in the analysis, 42 (33.6%) are narrow-range endemics (occupying three or fewer 10 km2 grid squares. Of these endemics, 33 (78.6% of the narrow range endemics and 26.4% of the remaining taxa are found only in artesian springs associated with the Great Artesian Basin. In addition to molluscs, these springs contain many other indigenous aquatic invertebrates and fishes and several rare or indigenous plants. A few large permanent waterholes also contain endemic taxa. Most molluscs found in intermittent waters adopt strategies to avoid desiccation or to facilitate dispersal and are generally widely distributed. The presence of molluscan and other (fishes, turtles) endemics in some large arid zone waterholes suggests that those habitats may have persisted through the last glacial. The continued existence of many of these habitats, and thus their inhabitants, is under threat from human activities relating to water use and modification of habitats.

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Berger V. Ya 1988. On the reaction to environmental salinity changes in Coxiella striatula (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from saline lakes of Australia Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 67: 1638-1643.
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Data & Figures


Alley, N. F. 1998. Cainozoic stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and geological evolution of the Lake Eyre Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 144: 239-263.
Australia State of the Environment Report 2001. Inland waters. Pp. 1-136 in Australia State of the Environment Report 2001. CSIRO Publishing (for Department of the Environment and Heritage), Melbourne.
Baker, A. M., Bartlett, C., Bunn, S. E., Goudkamp, K., Sheldon, F. and Hughes, J. M. 2003. Cryptic species and morphological plasticity in long-lived bivalves (Unionoida: Hyriidae) from inland Australia. Molecular Ecology 12: 2707-2717.
Berger V. Ya 1988. On the reaction to environmental salinity changes in Coxiella striatula (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from saline lakes of Australia Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 67: 1638-1643.
Boray, J. C., McMichael, D. F. 1961. The identity of the Australian lymnaeid snail host of Fasciola hepatica L. and its response to environment. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 12: 150-163.
Boulton, A. 1999. Why variable flows are needed for invertebrates of semi-arid rivers. Pp. 113-128 in A free-flowing river: The ecology of the Paroo River, edited by R. T. Kingsford. NSW National Parks Service, Hurstville.
Bowler, J. M., Wyrwoll, K.-H. and Lu, Y. 2001. Variations of the northwest Australian summer monsoon over the last 300,000 years: the paleohydrological record of the Gregory (Mulan) Lakes System. Qarternary International 83-85: 63-80.
Bowler, J. M. 1976. Aridity in Australia: age, origins and expressions in Aeolian landforms and sediments. Earth-Science Reviews 12: 279-310.
Brown, D. S. 2001. Freshwater snails of the genus Gyraulus (Planorbidae) in Australia: taxa of the mainland. Molluscan Research 21: 17-107.
Bureau of Meteorology 2006. Australian Drainage Divisions and River Basin Boundaries.
Byrne, M., Phelps, H., Church, T., Adair, V., Selvakumaraswamy, P. and Potts, J. 2000. Reproduction and development of the freshwater clam Corbicula australis in southeast Australia. Hydrobiologia 418: 185-197.
Carini, G. and Hughes, J. M. 2004. Population structure of Macrobrachium australiense (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in Western Queensland, Australia: the role of contemporary and historical processes. Heredity 93: 350-363.
Clark, S. A., Miller, A. C., Ponder, W. F. 2003. Revision of the snail genus Austropyrgus (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) A morphostatic radiation of freshwater gastropods in Southeastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 28: 1-109.
Cole, G. A. 1968. Desert limnology. Pp. 423-486 in, Desert Biology volume 1, edited by G. W. Brown, Jr. Academic Press, New York.
Colgan, D. J. and Ponder, W. F. 1994. The evolutionary consequences of restrictions in gene flow: examples from hydrobiid snails. Nautilus, Supplement 4: 25-43.
Colgan, D. J. and Ponder, W. F. 2000. Incipient speciation in aquatic snails in an arid-zone spring complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 71: 625-641.
Cook, B. D., Bunn, S. and Hughes, J. M. 2002. Genetic structure and dispersal of Macrobrachium australiense (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in western Queensland, Australia. Freshwater Biology 47: 2098-2112.
Cooper S. J. B., Hinze S., Leys R., Watts C. H. S. and Humphreys W. F. 2002. Islands under the desert: Molecular systematics and evolutionary origins of stygobitic water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from central Western Austalia. Invertebrate Systematics 16: 589-598.
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