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A panel of people who were familiar with the vertebrate fauna of south western New South Wales was formed to assess the status of the extant fauna and to provide details on their habitat requirements and movement ability. They determined that nine percent of the fauna was tolerant of the agricultural systems in place in the region, while 64% required retention and management of the native vegetation to ensure their survival. A further 18%, primarily floodplain and wetland dependent fauna, required water management in addition to native vegetation. These species often rely on flooding to promote breeding. Nine percent needed specific management activities, such as predator control, if their populations were not to become extinct.

Modelling of the habitat requirements and movement abilities for the native vegetation dependent species predicted that there have been widespread reductions in population densities where grazing has occurred. There has also been some fragmentation of populations in the south eastern parts of the study area in response to clearing for cropping. It is envisioned that the modelling will be used to predict the impacts of various landuse proposals for the region being assessed by the catchment management authority.

Andelman, S. J., and W. F. Fagan. 2000. Umbrellas and flagships: Efficient conservation surrogates or expensive mistakes? Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 97: 5954-5959
Ayers, D.Y, Nash, S. and Baggett, K. 1996 Threatened Species of Western New South Wales. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Barrett, G. and Silcocks, A. 2002. Comparison of the first and second Atlas of Australian Birds to determine the conservation status of woodland-dependent and other bird species in New South Wales over the last 20 years. Birds Australia, Melbourne.
Barrett, G., Silcocks, A., Barry, S., Cunningham, R. and Poulter, R. 2003 The new atlas of Australian birds. Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Hawthorn East, Vic.
Benshemesh, J. 1992. The conservation ecology of Malleefowl, with particular regard to fire. Ph.D. Thesis. Monash University, Clayton.
Caughley, G. Introduction to the sheep rangelands. In “Kangaroos: Their Ecology and Management in the Sheep Rangelands of Australia” (Eds G. Caughley, N. Shepherd and J. Short). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Denny, M. 1992 Historical and ecological study of the ecological effects of European settlement in Inland New South Wales. Report to Heritage Council of New South Wales. Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, Sydney.
Department of Environment and Conservation, 2004 Nandewar WRA Landscape Conservation. Report for the Resource and Conservation Assessment Council (RACAC). NSW Western Regional Assessment, coordinated by NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, Report no. NAND01. Department of Environment and Conservation, Coffs Harbour.
Dijkstra, E. W. 1959. A note on two problems in connection with graphs. Numerishe Mathematik 1:269-271.
Drielsma, M., Ferrier, S. and Manion, G. in press. A framework for spatial habitat modelling and the cost-benefit approach. Ecol. Model
Dunning, J. B., Danielson, B. J. and Pullman, H. R. 1992. Ecological processes that affect populations in complex landscapes. Oikos 65:169-175.
Ellis, M. V. 1992. Revision of the Atlas of New South Wales Wildlife. Aust. Zool. 28:59-64.
Fleishman, E., Blair, R. B. and Murphy, D. D. 2001. Empirical validation of a method for umbrella species selection. Ecol. Applic. 11:1489-1501.
Freudenberger, D., Noble, J. and Morton, S. 1997 A Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative Reserve System for the Southern Mallee of NSW: Principles and Benchmarks. A consultancy report prepared for the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation and the Southern Mallee Regional Planning Committee. CSIRO, Canberra.
Frith, H. J. 1977 Waterfowl in Australia. Reed, Sydney.
Green, D. and. Alexander, P. 2003 River Murray Wetland Database - NSW, Victoria. Wetland Commence-to-flow Levels. Draft report. NSW Murray Wetlands Working Group
Hanski, I. 1999. Habitat connectivity, habitat continuity, and metapopulations in dynamic landscapes. Oikos 87:209-219.
Hardy, B. 1969 West of the Darling. Jacaranda Press, Brisbane.
Landsberg, J., James, C. D., Morton, S. R., Hobbs, T. J., Stol, J., Drew, A. and Tongway, H. 1997 The effects of artificial sources of water on rangeland biodiversity. Environment Australia and CSIRO, Canberra.
Lindenmayer, D. B., Manning, A. D., Smith, P. L., Possingham, H. P., Fischer, J., Oliver, I. and McCarthy, M. A. 2002. The Focal-Species Approach and Landscape Restoration: A Critique. Conser. Biol. 16:338-345.
Lindenmayer, D. B., Margules, C. R. and Botkin, D. 2000. Indicators of biodiversity for ecologically sustainable forest management. Conserv. Biol. 14:941-950.
Lower Murray Darling Catchment Management Board. 2003 Lower Murray Darling Catchment Blueprint. Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW.
Lunney, D. 2001. Causes of the extinction of native mammals of the Western Division of New South Wales: an ecological interpretation of the Nineteenth Century historical record. Rangel. J. 23:44-70.
Mac Nally, R., Ballinger, A. and Horrocks, G. 2002a. Habitat changes in river red gum floodplains: depletion of fallen timber and impacts on biodiversity. Vic. Nat. 119:133-143.
Mac Nally, R., Bennett, A. F., Brown, G. W., Lumsden, L. F., Yen, A., Hinkley, S., Lillywhite, P. and Ward, D. 2002b. How well do ecosystem-based planning units represent different components of biodiversity? Ecol. Applic. 12:900-912.
Mac Nally, R., Ellis, M. and Barrett, G. 2004. Avian Biodiversity Monitoring in Australian Rangelands. Aust. Ecol. 29:93-99.
Mac Nally, R., and Horrocks G. 2002. Habitat change and restoration: response of a forest-floor mammal species to manipulations of fallen timber in floodplain forests. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 1: 41-52.
Mac Nally, R., Parkinson, A., Horrocks, G., Conole, L. and Tzaros, C. 2001. Relationships between terrestrial vertebrate diversity, abundance and availability of coarse woody debris on south-eastern Australian floodplains. Biol. Cons. 99:191-205.
Margules, C. R. and Pressey, R. L. 2000. Review article: systematic conservation planning. Nature 405:243-253.
Mazzer, T., Ellis, M., Smith, J., Ayers, D., Cooper, M., Wallace, G and Langdon, A. 1998 The Fauna of Western New South Wales: the Southern Mallee Region. NSWNPWS, Hurstville.
Myers, O. B. 1999. On aggreagating species for risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 5:559-574.
Noble, J. C. 1997 A Delicate and Noxious Scrub. CSIRO, Canberra.
Noss, R. F., O'Connell, M. A. and Murphy, D. D. 1997 The Science of Conservation Planning: Habitat Conservation under the Endangered Species Act. Island Press, Washington.
NSW NPWS, 2002 Conservation options in Regional environments (“CORE”). A method for deciding where to conserve biodiversity in regions of western NSW. NPWS draft internal report.
RACAC 2002 Bioregional Landscape Conservation Framework: Biodiversity Component. NSW Western Regional Assessments. 2002. Sydney., RACAC.
Robson, D. 2001 Regional landuse targets and limits. A NPWS position for consideration by Regional vegetation Committees and other natural resource forums in Western NSW. Unpublished Report. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dubbo.
Scotts, D. 2003 Key habitats and corridors for forest fauna: a landscape framework for conservation in North-east New South Wales. Occasional paper 32, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
Scotts, D. and Drielsma, M. 2003. Developing landscape frameworks for regional conservation planing: an approach integrating fauna spatial distributions and ecological principles. Pacific Cons. Biol. 8: 235-254.
Southern Mallee Regional Planning Committee. 2000 Southern Mallee Regional Guidelines for the Development of Land Use Agreements: to address clearing, cultivation, nature conservation and cultural heritage issues. Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW.
Thompson, M. B. 1983. Populations of the Murray River tortoise Emydura (Chelidae): the effect of egg predation by the red fox, Vulpes vulpes.Aust. Wildl. Res. 10:363-371.
Thoms, M, Sheldon, F. and Crabb, P. 2004. A hydrological perspective on the Darling River. In “ The Darling” (Ed. R. Breckwoldt). Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.
Val, J. D. 1998 The pre-clearing natural vegetation of the Southern Mallee Planning Region. Report and data prepared for the Southern Mallee Regional Planning Committee. NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation.
Webster, R. 1991. The Biology and Management of the Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus anthopeplus in NSW. NSWNPWS, Hurstville.
With, K. A., Gardner, R. H. and Turner, M. G. 1997. Landscape connectivity and population distributions in heterogeneous environments. Oikos 78: 151-169.
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Andelman, S. J., and W. F. Fagan. 2000. Umbrellas and flagships: Efficient conservation surrogates or expensive mistakes? Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 97: 5954-5959
Ayers, D.Y, Nash, S. and Baggett, K. 1996 Threatened Species of Western New South Wales. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Barrett, G. and Silcocks, A. 2002. Comparison of the first and second Atlas of Australian Birds to determine the conservation status of woodland-dependent and other bird species in New South Wales over the last 20 years. Birds Australia, Melbourne.
Barrett, G., Silcocks, A., Barry, S., Cunningham, R. and Poulter, R. 2003 The new atlas of Australian birds. Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Hawthorn East, Vic.
Benshemesh, J. 1992. The conservation ecology of Malleefowl, with particular regard to fire. Ph.D. Thesis. Monash University, Clayton.
Caughley, G. Introduction to the sheep rangelands. In “Kangaroos: Their Ecology and Management in the Sheep Rangelands of Australia” (Eds G. Caughley, N. Shepherd and J. Short). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Denny, M. 1992 Historical and ecological study of the ecological effects of European settlement in Inland New South Wales. Report to Heritage Council of New South Wales. Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, Sydney.
Department of Environment and Conservation, 2004 Nandewar WRA Landscape Conservation. Report for the Resource and Conservation Assessment Council (RACAC). NSW Western Regional Assessment, coordinated by NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, Report no. NAND01. Department of Environment and Conservation, Coffs Harbour.
Dijkstra, E. W. 1959. A note on two problems in connection with graphs. Numerishe Mathematik 1:269-271.
Drielsma, M., Ferrier, S. and Manion, G. in press. A framework for spatial habitat modelling and the cost-benefit approach. Ecol. Model
Dunning, J. B., Danielson, B. J. and Pullman, H. R. 1992. Ecological processes that affect populations in complex landscapes. Oikos 65:169-175.
Ellis, M. V. 1992. Revision of the Atlas of New South Wales Wildlife. Aust. Zool. 28:59-64.
Fleishman, E., Blair, R. B. and Murphy, D. D. 2001. Empirical validation of a method for umbrella species selection. Ecol. Applic. 11:1489-1501.
Freudenberger, D., Noble, J. and Morton, S. 1997 A Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative Reserve System for the Southern Mallee of NSW: Principles and Benchmarks. A consultancy report prepared for the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation and the Southern Mallee Regional Planning Committee. CSIRO, Canberra.
Frith, H. J. 1977 Waterfowl in Australia. Reed, Sydney.
Green, D. and. Alexander, P. 2003 River Murray Wetland Database - NSW, Victoria. Wetland Commence-to-flow Levels. Draft report. NSW Murray Wetlands Working Group
Hanski, I. 1999. Habitat connectivity, habitat continuity, and metapopulations in dynamic landscapes. Oikos 87:209-219.
Hardy, B. 1969 West of the Darling. Jacaranda Press, Brisbane.
Landsberg, J., James, C. D., Morton, S. R., Hobbs, T. J., Stol, J., Drew, A. and Tongway, H. 1997 The effects of artificial sources of water on rangeland biodiversity. Environment Australia and CSIRO, Canberra.
Lindenmayer, D. B., Manning, A. D., Smith, P. L., Possingham, H. P., Fischer, J., Oliver, I. and McCarthy, M. A. 2002. The Focal-Species Approach and Landscape Restoration: A Critique. Conser. Biol. 16:338-345.
Lindenmayer, D. B., Margules, C. R. and Botkin, D. 2000. Indicators of biodiversity for ecologically sustainable forest management. Conserv. Biol. 14:941-950.
Lower Murray Darling Catchment Management Board. 2003 Lower Murray Darling Catchment Blueprint. Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW.
Lunney, D. 2001. Causes of the extinction of native mammals of the Western Division of New South Wales: an ecological interpretation of the Nineteenth Century historical record. Rangel. J. 23:44-70.
Mac Nally, R., Ballinger, A. and Horrocks, G. 2002a. Habitat changes in river red gum floodplains: depletion of fallen timber and impacts on biodiversity. Vic. Nat. 119:133-143.
Mac Nally, R., Bennett, A. F., Brown, G. W., Lumsden, L. F., Yen, A., Hinkley, S., Lillywhite, P. and Ward, D. 2002b. How well do ecosystem-based planning units represent different components of biodiversity? Ecol. Applic. 12:900-912.
Mac Nally, R., Ellis, M. and Barrett, G. 2004. Avian Biodiversity Monitoring in Australian Rangelands. Aust. Ecol. 29:93-99.
Mac Nally, R., and Horrocks G. 2002. Habitat change and restoration: response of a forest-floor mammal species to manipulations of fallen timber in floodplain forests. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 1: 41-52.
Mac Nally, R., Parkinson, A., Horrocks, G., Conole, L. and Tzaros, C. 2001. Relationships between terrestrial vertebrate diversity, abundance and availability of coarse woody debris on south-eastern Australian floodplains. Biol. Cons. 99:191-205.
Margules, C. R. and Pressey, R. L. 2000. Review article: systematic conservation planning. Nature 405:243-253.
Mazzer, T., Ellis, M., Smith, J., Ayers, D., Cooper, M., Wallace, G and Langdon, A. 1998 The Fauna of Western New South Wales: the Southern Mallee Region. NSWNPWS, Hurstville.
Myers, O. B. 1999. On aggreagating species for risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 5:559-574.
Noble, J. C. 1997 A Delicate and Noxious Scrub. CSIRO, Canberra.
Noss, R. F., O'Connell, M. A. and Murphy, D. D. 1997 The Science of Conservation Planning: Habitat Conservation under the Endangered Species Act. Island Press, Washington.
NSW NPWS, 2002 Conservation options in Regional environments (“CORE”). A method for deciding where to conserve biodiversity in regions of western NSW. NPWS draft internal report.
RACAC 2002 Bioregional Landscape Conservation Framework: Biodiversity Component. NSW Western Regional Assessments. 2002. Sydney., RACAC.
Robson, D. 2001 Regional landuse targets and limits. A NPWS position for consideration by Regional vegetation Committees and other natural resource forums in Western NSW. Unpublished Report. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dubbo.
Scotts, D. 2003 Key habitats and corridors for forest fauna: a landscape framework for conservation in North-east New South Wales. Occasional paper 32, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
Scotts, D. and Drielsma, M. 2003. Developing landscape frameworks for regional conservation planing: an approach integrating fauna spatial distributions and ecological principles. Pacific Cons. Biol. 8: 235-254.
Southern Mallee Regional Planning Committee. 2000 Southern Mallee Regional Guidelines for the Development of Land Use Agreements: to address clearing, cultivation, nature conservation and cultural heritage issues. Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW.
Thompson, M. B. 1983. Populations of the Murray River tortoise Emydura (Chelidae): the effect of egg predation by the red fox, Vulpes vulpes.Aust. Wildl. Res. 10:363-371.
Thoms, M, Sheldon, F. and Crabb, P. 2004. A hydrological perspective on the Darling River. In “ The Darling” (Ed. R. Breckwoldt). Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.
Val, J. D. 1998 The pre-clearing natural vegetation of the Southern Mallee Planning Region. Report and data prepared for the Southern Mallee Regional Planning Committee. NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation.
Webster, R. 1991. The Biology and Management of the Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus anthopeplus in NSW. NSWNPWS, Hurstville.
With, K. A., Gardner, R. H. and Turner, M. G. 1997. Landscape connectivity and population distributions in heterogeneous environments. Oikos 78: 151-169.
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