Red imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) in Australia
Kristine P Plowman, 2007. "Red imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) in Australia", Pest or Guest: The Zoology of Overabundance, Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings, Shelley Burgin
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Solenopsis invita Buren (the red imported fire ant) was officially identified in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia in early 2001 and soon after a national fire ant eradication program (funded by the Australian, State and Territory governments) to remove fire ants from Australia was approved. The Fire Ant Control Centre (FACC) was set up in Brisbane and the eradication program began in September 2001. This paper briefly summarises aspects of the biology of the ant, its impact and the impact of the eradication treatment on other fauna, together with additional information that has been gained as the eradication program ensued.