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Banks P.B. 2005. Animal-rights zealots put wildlife welfare at risk. Nature, 438, 559-559
Brown, P.R. 2007. Managing feral house mice in agricultural ecosystems by reducing their impact on crops rather than just reducing their abundance. Pp 8 - 15 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Cooper, D, Larsen, E, Shields, J. 2007. 1080 and Wildlife: Scientific and ethical issues raised by its use on Australian Mammals Pp 229 - 232 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Dickman C.R. 1996. Overview of the impact of Feral Cats on Australian native fauna. Australian Government, Canberra.
Dickman C.R. 2007. The complex pest: interaction webs between pests and native species. Pp 208 - 215 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Ghandi, M.K. 1983. An autobiography: The story of my experiments with Truth. Dover Publishing, Dover
Marris E. 2006. Environmental activism: In the name of nature. Nature, 443, 498-501
Murray, B.R., Dickman C.R., Robson, T., Haythornthwaite A., Cantlay, A.J., Dowsett, N. and Hills, N. 2007. Effects of exotic plants in native vegetation on species richness and abundance of birds and mammals. Pp 216 - 221 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Nature Editorial 2005. Still not deterred. Nature 437: 1-2.
Rose, T.A., and Banks, P.B. 2007. Impacts of black rats (Rattus rattus) across an urban/bushland interface at Sydney's North Head. Pp 66 - 75 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
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Banks P.B. 2005. Animal-rights zealots put wildlife welfare at risk. Nature, 438, 559-559
Brown, P.R. 2007. Managing feral house mice in agricultural ecosystems by reducing their impact on crops rather than just reducing their abundance. Pp 8 - 15 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Cooper, D, Larsen, E, Shields, J. 2007. 1080 and Wildlife: Scientific and ethical issues raised by its use on Australian Mammals Pp 229 - 232 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Dickman C.R. 1996. Overview of the impact of Feral Cats on Australian native fauna. Australian Government, Canberra.
Dickman C.R. 2007. The complex pest: interaction webs between pests and native species. Pp 208 - 215 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Ghandi, M.K. 1983. An autobiography: The story of my experiments with Truth. Dover Publishing, Dover
Marris E. 2006. Environmental activism: In the name of nature. Nature, 443, 498-501
Murray, B.R., Dickman C.R., Robson, T., Haythornthwaite A., Cantlay, A.J., Dowsett, N. and Hills, N. 2007. Effects of exotic plants in native vegetation on species richness and abundance of birds and mammals. Pp 216 - 221 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Nature Editorial 2005. Still not deterred. Nature 437: 1-2.
Rose, T.A., and Banks, P.B. 2007. Impacts of black rats (Rattus rattus) across an urban/bushland interface at Sydney's North Head. Pp 66 - 75 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by Daniel Lunney, Peggy Eby, Pat Hutchings and Shelley Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
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