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The Ku-ring-gai local government area is a veritable hot bed of biological diversity as the area is peppered with numerous habitat types that support over 800 plant, at least 170 fungi and over 690 fauna species. The area plays and important part in Australia's cultural and natural history. It supplied much of the timber for early development of old Sydney Town from its tall forests and the first record of one of our most iconic bird species, the Kookaburra, by Governor Phillip's expedition party in April 1788. Ku-ring-gai's significant biodiversity stems from its diverse habitats and geological landscapes ranging from estuarine mangrove mudflats to steep sided sandstone gullies and ridges swathed in heath, open forest and riparian scrub to shale capped ridge tops with tall open forest. The area gets one of the highest levels of rainfall in northern Sydney which helps support open forest dominated by blue gums, blackbutts, turpentines and ironbarks on the richer clay soils. Today council reserves and the tree lined suburbs provide important bio-linkages or corridors between three national parks and smaller reserves within and around the lower north shore. Ku-ring-gai reserves and biodiversity are the legacy of visionary people, geography, planning and chance.

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