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The aim of this paper is to describe the changing profile of fauna and flora in the Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment, an area of bush and suburban land on the northern beaches of Sydney. The paper documents the large range of species and plant communities presently existing in the catchment, frequently outside the existing National Park system, and highlights the high conservation value of the remaining bush in the area. The paper is limited by the paucity of documentation regarding the local environment. Future threats to the area and responses to these threats are briefly discussed.

Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change. Draft Findings. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. United Nations Environment Programme. 2008.
Anonymous. 1992. Victims of urban sprawl. The Manly Daily, 22.2.1992.
Anonymous. 1997. A sort of whoo-dunnit. The Manly Daily, 5.2.1997.
Anonymous. 2000. Wandering Koala killed. The Manly Daily 26.7.2000.
Attenbrow, V. 2002 Sydney's aboriginal past: investigating the archaeological and historical records. UNSW Press, Sydney.
Archives Authority of NSW. Narrabeen 1867. Map Number 259.
Auld, T.D. and Scott, J. 2004. Estimating population abundance in plant species with dormant life stages: Fire and the endangered plant Grevillea caleyi R. Br. Ecological Management and Restoration 5, 125-129.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2004. Census Data.
Australian Museum Sydney Mammals Database 2009.
Basham, R. 2005 Microbats in Sydney's urban landscape: are they persisting, and what factors influence their prescence? Thesis. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences. UNSW.
Benson, D. and Howell, J. 1990 Taken for Granted. The Bushland of Sydney and its Suburbs. Kangaroo Press, Sydney.
Boles, W. 2008. Australian Museum Bird Collection database. Personal communication.
Boyce, J. 2006 Pictorial history of Warringah. Kingsclear Books, Alexandria.
Champion, G. and Champion, S. 1997 Manly Warringah Pittwater 1788-1850, Fast Books, Glebe.
Coates, T.D. 2008. The effect of Fox Control on Mammal populations in an outer urban conservation reserve. Australian Mammology. 30, 51-63.
Cox, B. 2008 Cumberland Bird Observers Club Newsletter. 29, (4) 1 and 3.
Curby, P. and Macleod. V. 2003 Good Riddance. Warringah, Manly, Mosman and Pittwater joint services committee, Associated Print Management, Ettalong.
Debus, B. 2005 Press Release - Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Should be Protected - Study. Office of the Attorney-General and Minister for the Environment. New South Wales Government.
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water Atlas of NSW Wildlife database.
DECCW 2008. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water. Sydney Basin - biodiversity.
Department of Planning, 2007 NSW Metropolitan Strategy - Northeast subregion. Draft subregion strategy. Department of Planning, New South Wales Government.
Dickman, C.R. 2007. The complex pest: interaction webs between pests and native species. Pp 208-215 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by D. Lunney, P. Eby, P. Hutchings and S. Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman. NSW, Australia.
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Foley, D. 2001 Repossession of our Spirit. Traditional owners of northern Sydney. Aboriginal History Monograph Number 7. Aboriginal History Inc, Goanna Print, Canberra.
Garnaut, R. 2008 The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report. Cambridge University Press.
Gill, T. 1992. Cuckoo clocked. The Manly Daily 11.1.1992.
Golding, R., Ponder, W.F. and Byrne, M. 2007. Taxonomy and anatomy of Amphiboloidea (Gastopoda: Heterobranchia: Archaeopulmonata). Zootaxa 1476: 1-50.
Gordon, A. 2006 Narrabeen lagoon restoration project - concept. Paper for Warringah Council.
Harris, C., Marlow, J. and Harris A. 2008. No prescription yet to counter the roadkill of our native fauna: a study of roadkill in the Narrabeen catchment of Sydney. Pp 96-102 in Too close for comfort: contentious issues in human-wildlife encounters, edited by D. Lunney, A. Munn, and W. Meikle. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
ICF and Australian Museum, 1994 Ingleside/Warriewood Urban Land Release Fauna Conservation Study, Report to Pittwater Council. ICF Pty Ltd and Australian Museum, Sydney.
Jacobs, I. 2004 A History of the Aboriginal Clans of Sydney's Northern Beaches. Northside Printing, Brookvale.
Jennings, G. 1991 My holiday and other early travels from Manly to Palm Beach. 1861. Aramo Pty Ltd, Newport Beach.
Lake, T. 1993. Rare Spotted Quoll caught in Backyard. Manly Daily 11.5.93.
Lawrence, L,. 2006, Pictorial history of Pittwater, Kingsclear Books, Alexandria.
Low, T. 1999 Feral future: the untold story of Australia's exotic invaders. Viking, Ringwood.
Macleod, V. 1996 Burnt Out? Experiences of the January 1994 Bush Fires in Warringah and Pittwater. Local History resource Unit, Warriewood.
National Parks Assoication of NSW, 1995 Latham Report.
National Parks Association of NSW, 2002 Wheeler Creek Valley Biodiversity Survey 2001.
Pittwater Council Rates Database, 2008. Pittwater Council.
Pittwater Council, 2008 Welcome to the Coastal Environment Centre.
Prentis, M. 1989 Warringah History, Warringah Shire Council. The House with No Steps, Belrose.
Ramp, D. and Ben-Ami, D. 2006. The effect of Road-Based Fatalities on the Viability of a Peri-Urban Swamp Wallaby Population. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 1615-1624.
Ride, W.D.L. 1970 A guide to the native mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Russell, B.G., Smith, B. and Augee, M. L. 2003. Changes to a population of common ringtail possums ( Pseudocheirus peregrinus) after bushfire. Wildlife Research. 30: 389-396.
Sadlier, R. 2008. Australian Museum Herpetological Collection database. Personal communication.
Sheringham, P.R. and Sanders, J.M. 1993 Vegetation survey of Garigal National Park and surrounding Crown Lands. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Smith, P and Smith, J. 1998a Flora and Fauna of the Proposed Greenhaven Retirement Village at Narrabeen. Warringah Council.
Smith, P and Smith, J. 1998b Flora and Fauna Assessment of Red Hill and Golden Grove Parks at Beacon Hill. Report to Warringah Council. P. and J. Smith Ecological Consultants, Blaxland.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2000 Management Plan For Threatened Fauna And Flora In Pittwater. Pittwater Council.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2003 Flora and Fauna Assessment for proposed boardwalk at Jamieson Park at Narrabeen. Report to Warringah Council. P. and J. Smith Ecological Consultants, Blaxland.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2005a Warringah Natural Area Survey. Vegetation Communities and Plant Species August 2005. Warringah Council. 88p.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2005b Warringah Natural Area Survey, Vegetation History and wildlife corridors, August 2005. Warringah Council.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2005c Warringah Natural Area Survey, Fauna August 2005. Warringah Council.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2008 Middle Creek Biodiversity Assessment and Management Plan. Warringah Council
Taronga Zoo Fauna Survey Team 1992 Avifauna, herpetofauna and mammal fauna of the Middle Creek Reserve, Narrabeen, NSW. Report to Warringah Council. Taronga Zoo, Mosman.
Teutsch, D. 2001. Man vs Nature. The Manly Daily 3.2.2001.
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) No 101
Turton, M. 1996 Chiropteran survey of five bushland reserves in Pittwater: Deep Creek Reserve, Ingleside Park, Angophora Reserve, Attunga Reserve, McKay Reserve. Report to Pittwater Council. M. Turton, Katoomba.
Warringah Council Rates Database, 2008. Warringah Council.
Warringah Council, 2008. Planning and Development - Non-urban lands.
Whelan, R.J., Collins, L., and Loemker, R. 2006. Predicting impacts of fuel reduction for asset protection on threatened species. Proceedings of Life in a fire-prone environment: Translating science into practice. Bushfire Conference 2006.
Woodford, J. 2000. Fox baiting no walk in the park. Sydney Morning Herald 22.4.2000.
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Data & Figures


Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change. Draft Findings. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. United Nations Environment Programme. 2008.
Anonymous. 1992. Victims of urban sprawl. The Manly Daily, 22.2.1992.
Anonymous. 1997. A sort of whoo-dunnit. The Manly Daily, 5.2.1997.
Anonymous. 2000. Wandering Koala killed. The Manly Daily 26.7.2000.
Attenbrow, V. 2002 Sydney's aboriginal past: investigating the archaeological and historical records. UNSW Press, Sydney.
Archives Authority of NSW. Narrabeen 1867. Map Number 259.
Auld, T.D. and Scott, J. 2004. Estimating population abundance in plant species with dormant life stages: Fire and the endangered plant Grevillea caleyi R. Br. Ecological Management and Restoration 5, 125-129.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2004. Census Data.
Australian Museum Sydney Mammals Database 2009.
Basham, R. 2005 Microbats in Sydney's urban landscape: are they persisting, and what factors influence their prescence? Thesis. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences. UNSW.
Benson, D. and Howell, J. 1990 Taken for Granted. The Bushland of Sydney and its Suburbs. Kangaroo Press, Sydney.
Boles, W. 2008. Australian Museum Bird Collection database. Personal communication.
Boyce, J. 2006 Pictorial history of Warringah. Kingsclear Books, Alexandria.
Champion, G. and Champion, S. 1997 Manly Warringah Pittwater 1788-1850, Fast Books, Glebe.
Coates, T.D. 2008. The effect of Fox Control on Mammal populations in an outer urban conservation reserve. Australian Mammology. 30, 51-63.
Cox, B. 2008 Cumberland Bird Observers Club Newsletter. 29, (4) 1 and 3.
Curby, P. and Macleod. V. 2003 Good Riddance. Warringah, Manly, Mosman and Pittwater joint services committee, Associated Print Management, Ettalong.
Debus, B. 2005 Press Release - Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Should be Protected - Study. Office of the Attorney-General and Minister for the Environment. New South Wales Government.
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water Atlas of NSW Wildlife database.
DECCW 2008. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water. Sydney Basin - biodiversity.
Department of Planning, 2007 NSW Metropolitan Strategy - Northeast subregion. Draft subregion strategy. Department of Planning, New South Wales Government.
Dickman, C.R. 2007. The complex pest: interaction webs between pests and native species. Pp 208-215 in Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, edited by D. Lunney, P. Eby, P. Hutchings and S. Burgin. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman. NSW, Australia.
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Foley, D. 2001 Repossession of our Spirit. Traditional owners of northern Sydney. Aboriginal History Monograph Number 7. Aboriginal History Inc, Goanna Print, Canberra.
Garnaut, R. 2008 The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report. Cambridge University Press.
Gill, T. 1992. Cuckoo clocked. The Manly Daily 11.1.1992.
Golding, R., Ponder, W.F. and Byrne, M. 2007. Taxonomy and anatomy of Amphiboloidea (Gastopoda: Heterobranchia: Archaeopulmonata). Zootaxa 1476: 1-50.
Gordon, A. 2006 Narrabeen lagoon restoration project - concept. Paper for Warringah Council.
Harris, C., Marlow, J. and Harris A. 2008. No prescription yet to counter the roadkill of our native fauna: a study of roadkill in the Narrabeen catchment of Sydney. Pp 96-102 in Too close for comfort: contentious issues in human-wildlife encounters, edited by D. Lunney, A. Munn, and W. Meikle. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
ICF and Australian Museum, 1994 Ingleside/Warriewood Urban Land Release Fauna Conservation Study, Report to Pittwater Council. ICF Pty Ltd and Australian Museum, Sydney.
Jacobs, I. 2004 A History of the Aboriginal Clans of Sydney's Northern Beaches. Northside Printing, Brookvale.
Jennings, G. 1991 My holiday and other early travels from Manly to Palm Beach. 1861. Aramo Pty Ltd, Newport Beach.
Lake, T. 1993. Rare Spotted Quoll caught in Backyard. Manly Daily 11.5.93.
Lawrence, L,. 2006, Pictorial history of Pittwater, Kingsclear Books, Alexandria.
Low, T. 1999 Feral future: the untold story of Australia's exotic invaders. Viking, Ringwood.
Macleod, V. 1996 Burnt Out? Experiences of the January 1994 Bush Fires in Warringah and Pittwater. Local History resource Unit, Warriewood.
National Parks Assoication of NSW, 1995 Latham Report.
National Parks Association of NSW, 2002 Wheeler Creek Valley Biodiversity Survey 2001.
Pittwater Council Rates Database, 2008. Pittwater Council.
Pittwater Council, 2008 Welcome to the Coastal Environment Centre.
Prentis, M. 1989 Warringah History, Warringah Shire Council. The House with No Steps, Belrose.
Ramp, D. and Ben-Ami, D. 2006. The effect of Road-Based Fatalities on the Viability of a Peri-Urban Swamp Wallaby Population. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 1615-1624.
Ride, W.D.L. 1970 A guide to the native mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Russell, B.G., Smith, B. and Augee, M. L. 2003. Changes to a population of common ringtail possums ( Pseudocheirus peregrinus) after bushfire. Wildlife Research. 30: 389-396.
Sadlier, R. 2008. Australian Museum Herpetological Collection database. Personal communication.
Sheringham, P.R. and Sanders, J.M. 1993 Vegetation survey of Garigal National Park and surrounding Crown Lands. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Smith, P and Smith, J. 1998a Flora and Fauna of the Proposed Greenhaven Retirement Village at Narrabeen. Warringah Council.
Smith, P and Smith, J. 1998b Flora and Fauna Assessment of Red Hill and Golden Grove Parks at Beacon Hill. Report to Warringah Council. P. and J. Smith Ecological Consultants, Blaxland.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2000 Management Plan For Threatened Fauna And Flora In Pittwater. Pittwater Council.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2003 Flora and Fauna Assessment for proposed boardwalk at Jamieson Park at Narrabeen. Report to Warringah Council. P. and J. Smith Ecological Consultants, Blaxland.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2005a Warringah Natural Area Survey. Vegetation Communities and Plant Species August 2005. Warringah Council. 88p.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2005b Warringah Natural Area Survey, Vegetation History and wildlife corridors, August 2005. Warringah Council.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2005c Warringah Natural Area Survey, Fauna August 2005. Warringah Council.
Smith, P. and Smith, J. 2008 Middle Creek Biodiversity Assessment and Management Plan. Warringah Council
Taronga Zoo Fauna Survey Team 1992 Avifauna, herpetofauna and mammal fauna of the Middle Creek Reserve, Narrabeen, NSW. Report to Warringah Council. Taronga Zoo, Mosman.
Teutsch, D. 2001. Man vs Nature. The Manly Daily 3.2.2001.
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) No 101
Turton, M. 1996 Chiropteran survey of five bushland reserves in Pittwater: Deep Creek Reserve, Ingleside Park, Angophora Reserve, Attunga Reserve, McKay Reserve. Report to Pittwater Council. M. Turton, Katoomba.
Warringah Council Rates Database, 2008. Warringah Council.
Warringah Council, 2008. Planning and Development - Non-urban lands.
Whelan, R.J., Collins, L., and Loemker, R. 2006. Predicting impacts of fuel reduction for asset protection on threatened species. Proceedings of Life in a fire-prone environment: Translating science into practice. Bushfire Conference 2006.
Woodford, J. 2000. Fox baiting no walk in the park. Sydney Morning Herald 22.4.2000.
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