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Sydney is among the fastest-growing urban regions in Australia. An important environmental impact of urban sprawl is the loss and maintenance of remaining biodiversity values. The current study focuses on native vertebrate fauna, excluding fish, pelagic species and vagrants. This group represents a subset of overall biological diversity which includes invertebrates, plants, bacteria and fungi. This study investigated vertebrate fauna present in larger natural habitat remnants within the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Authority area. Habitats investigated included bushland, wetlands and shoreline areas. Fifty areas (termed sites) greater than 50 ha in area were identified using aerial photography and satellite imagery. Within each site an audit of existing vertebrate fauna information was undertaken and where little data were present fauna surveys using a variety of techniques were conducted. All sites were ranked in order of overall fauna significance using a scoring classification system based on a range of variables including connectivity, condition, presence of key habitat features and the presence of threatened and regionally significant species. Individual sites were categorised into five levels of fauna significance based on the score accrued using the classification system i.e. 13 sites (highest fauna significance), nine sites (very high fauna significance), 13 sites (high fauna significance), 14 sites (moderate fauna significance) and one site (low fauna significance).

Baker, T. 1999 Terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey of Dobroyd Head-Grotto Point Reserve, Sydney Harbour National Park. Unpublished Thesis, Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Resource Management), Southern Cross University, Lismore.
Banks, P. 1993 Impact assessment and survey of mammal and reptile fauna of the proposed walking track at Dobroyd Head, Sydney Harbour National Park. Report prepared for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. University of New South Wales, Kensington.
Camagni, R., Gibelli, M. and Riagamonti, P. 2002. Urban mobility and urban form: the social and environmental costs of different patterns of urban expansion. Ecological Economics 40: 199-216.
Christidis, L. and Boles, W.E. 1994 The taxonomy and species of birds of Australia and its territories. RAOU Monograph No.2. Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Melbourne.
Christidis, L. and Boles, W.E. 2008 Systematics and taxonomy of Australian birds. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood.
Cogger, H.G. 1996 Reptiles and amphibians of Australia. Fifth Edition with Amendments. Reed Books, Port Melbourne.
DEC 2006. Fauna summaries of the Cumberland Protected Areas from field surveys, 2006. Unpublished protected area reports. Information & Assessment Section, Metropolitan Region, Environment Protection Division, DEC, Hurstville.
DECC 2007a Terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region: Volume 1: background report. Information and Assessment Unit, Metropolitan Branch, Environment Protection and Regulation Division, DECC, Hurstville.
DECC 2007b Terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region: Volume 2: Fauna of conservation concern including priority pest species. Information and Assessment Unit, Metropolitan Branch, Environment Protection and Regulation Division, DECC, Hurstville.
DECC 2007c The vertebrate fauna of the Dharawal reserves and adjacent public lands. Information and Assessment Section, Metropolitan Branch, DECC, Hurstville.
DECC 2008 Rapid fauna habitat assessment of the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority area. Report to the SMCMA. Information and Assessment Section, Metropolitan Branch, DECC, Hurstville.
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008. Australia's RAMSAR sites. Accessed 17 June 2008.
Garnett, S.T. and Crowley, G.M. 2000 The action plan for Australian birds 2000. Environment Australia, Canberra.
Green, R.J. 1984. Native and exotic birds in a suburban habitat. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 181-190.
Hardy, C.J., Hardy, C.M. and Hardy, J.P. 1979 Reptiles of Dobroyd Head Reserve. Koolewong, pp. 13-18.
Hoskin, E.S., Hindwood, K.A. and McGill, A.R. 1991 The birds of Sydney, County of Cumberland, New South Wales, 1770-1989. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton.
Keast, A. 1995. Habitat loss and species loss: the birds of Sydney 50 years ago and now. Australian Zoologist 30: 3-25.
Keith, D. 2004 Ocean shores to desert dunes: the native vegetation of New South Wales and the ACT. DEC, Hurstville.
Lunney, D., Matthews, A. and Triggs, B. 2002. Long-term changes in the mammal fauna of logged, coastal forests near Bega, New South Wales, detected by analysis of dog and fox scats. Australian Mammalogy 23: 101-114.
Manly Council 2006 Manly Scenic Walkway. Brochure. Manly Council, Manly.
Margules, C.R. and Pressey, R.L. 2000. Systematic conservation planning. Nature 405: 243-253.
Menkhorst, P.W. and Knight, F. 2001 A field guide to the mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.
Morris, A.K. 1986. The birds of Sydney Harbour National Park, New South Wales. Australian Birds 20: 65-81.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1996 Sydney Harbour National Park plan of management. South Metropolitan District, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1997 Urban bushland biodiversity survey, western Sydney. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2002a Critical habitat identification report for the endangered population of Little Penguins at Manly. Volume 1 Director General's recommendations for the identification of critical habitat for the endangered population of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) at Manly. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2002b Sydney Harbour National Park plan of management draft amendments. Sydney Region, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Parramatta.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2002c Draft fire management plan Sydney Harbour & Botany Bay (La Perouse Precinct) National Parks. Sydney Region, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Parramatta.
Parés-Franzi, M., Sauri-Pujol, D. and Domene, E. 2006. Evaluating the environmental performance of urban parks in Mediterranean cities: an example from the Barcelona Metropolitan region. Environmental Management 38: 750-759.
Parnaby, H. 1992 An ultrasonic survey of microchiropteran bats of north-east NSW forests. North East Forests Biodiversity Study Report No. 3b. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Richards, G.C. 1992 Fauna survey: Wingham Management Area, Port Macquarie Region. Part 4: Bats. Forest Resources Services Report No. 22. Forestry Commission of NSW, Beecroft.
Ross, G.A. and Jarman, M. R. 2001. Management of Little Tern Sterna albifrons at Towra Point Spit Island, Botany Bay, N.S.W. Season 2000/2001. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Sewell, S.R. and Catterall, C.P. 1998. Bushland modification and styles of urban development: their effects on birds in south-east Queensland. Wildlife Research 25: 41-63.
Skelton, N., Garrod, E. and Gibson, T. 2003 Flora and fauna investigation and recommendations for wildlife habitat rehabilitation of Dobroyd Head, Sydney Harbour National Park. Report prepared for Sydney Harbour NP. GIS Environmental Consultants, North Curl Curl.
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust 2004 Phytophthora and vegetation dieback in Sydney Harbour's bushland. Brochure. Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Sydney.
Tozer, M.G., Turner, K., Simpson, C., Keith, D.A., Beukers, P., Mackenzie, B., Tindall, D. and Pennay, C. 2006 Native vegetation of south east NSW: a revised classification and map for the coast and eastern tablelands. DECC, Hurstville.
Triggs, B. 1996 Tracks, scats and other traces. A field guide to Australian mammals. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Uhl, C. 1998. Conservation biology in your own front yard. Conservation Biology 12: 1175-1177.
Van Polanen Petel, T. and Lill, A. 2004. Bird communities of some urban bushland fragments: implications for conservation. Australian Field Ornithology 21: 21-32.
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Data & Figures


Baker, T. 1999 Terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey of Dobroyd Head-Grotto Point Reserve, Sydney Harbour National Park. Unpublished Thesis, Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Resource Management), Southern Cross University, Lismore.
Banks, P. 1993 Impact assessment and survey of mammal and reptile fauna of the proposed walking track at Dobroyd Head, Sydney Harbour National Park. Report prepared for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. University of New South Wales, Kensington.
Camagni, R., Gibelli, M. and Riagamonti, P. 2002. Urban mobility and urban form: the social and environmental costs of different patterns of urban expansion. Ecological Economics 40: 199-216.
Christidis, L. and Boles, W.E. 1994 The taxonomy and species of birds of Australia and its territories. RAOU Monograph No.2. Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Melbourne.
Christidis, L. and Boles, W.E. 2008 Systematics and taxonomy of Australian birds. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood.
Cogger, H.G. 1996 Reptiles and amphibians of Australia. Fifth Edition with Amendments. Reed Books, Port Melbourne.
DEC 2006. Fauna summaries of the Cumberland Protected Areas from field surveys, 2006. Unpublished protected area reports. Information & Assessment Section, Metropolitan Region, Environment Protection Division, DEC, Hurstville.
DECC 2007a Terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region: Volume 1: background report. Information and Assessment Unit, Metropolitan Branch, Environment Protection and Regulation Division, DECC, Hurstville.
DECC 2007b Terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region: Volume 2: Fauna of conservation concern including priority pest species. Information and Assessment Unit, Metropolitan Branch, Environment Protection and Regulation Division, DECC, Hurstville.
DECC 2007c The vertebrate fauna of the Dharawal reserves and adjacent public lands. Information and Assessment Section, Metropolitan Branch, DECC, Hurstville.
DECC 2008 Rapid fauna habitat assessment of the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority area. Report to the SMCMA. Information and Assessment Section, Metropolitan Branch, DECC, Hurstville.
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008. Australia's RAMSAR sites. Accessed 17 June 2008.
Garnett, S.T. and Crowley, G.M. 2000 The action plan for Australian birds 2000. Environment Australia, Canberra.
Green, R.J. 1984. Native and exotic birds in a suburban habitat. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 181-190.
Hardy, C.J., Hardy, C.M. and Hardy, J.P. 1979 Reptiles of Dobroyd Head Reserve. Koolewong, pp. 13-18.
Hoskin, E.S., Hindwood, K.A. and McGill, A.R. 1991 The birds of Sydney, County of Cumberland, New South Wales, 1770-1989. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton.
Keast, A. 1995. Habitat loss and species loss: the birds of Sydney 50 years ago and now. Australian Zoologist 30: 3-25.
Keith, D. 2004 Ocean shores to desert dunes: the native vegetation of New South Wales and the ACT. DEC, Hurstville.
Lunney, D., Matthews, A. and Triggs, B. 2002. Long-term changes in the mammal fauna of logged, coastal forests near Bega, New South Wales, detected by analysis of dog and fox scats. Australian Mammalogy 23: 101-114.
Manly Council 2006 Manly Scenic Walkway. Brochure. Manly Council, Manly.
Margules, C.R. and Pressey, R.L. 2000. Systematic conservation planning. Nature 405: 243-253.
Menkhorst, P.W. and Knight, F. 2001 A field guide to the mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.
Morris, A.K. 1986. The birds of Sydney Harbour National Park, New South Wales. Australian Birds 20: 65-81.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1996 Sydney Harbour National Park plan of management. South Metropolitan District, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1997 Urban bushland biodiversity survey, western Sydney. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2002a Critical habitat identification report for the endangered population of Little Penguins at Manly. Volume 1 Director General's recommendations for the identification of critical habitat for the endangered population of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) at Manly. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2002b Sydney Harbour National Park plan of management draft amendments. Sydney Region, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Parramatta.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2002c Draft fire management plan Sydney Harbour & Botany Bay (La Perouse Precinct) National Parks. Sydney Region, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Parramatta.
Parés-Franzi, M., Sauri-Pujol, D. and Domene, E. 2006. Evaluating the environmental performance of urban parks in Mediterranean cities: an example from the Barcelona Metropolitan region. Environmental Management 38: 750-759.
Parnaby, H. 1992 An ultrasonic survey of microchiropteran bats of north-east NSW forests. North East Forests Biodiversity Study Report No. 3b. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Richards, G.C. 1992 Fauna survey: Wingham Management Area, Port Macquarie Region. Part 4: Bats. Forest Resources Services Report No. 22. Forestry Commission of NSW, Beecroft.
Ross, G.A. and Jarman, M. R. 2001. Management of Little Tern Sterna albifrons at Towra Point Spit Island, Botany Bay, N.S.W. Season 2000/2001. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville.
Sewell, S.R. and Catterall, C.P. 1998. Bushland modification and styles of urban development: their effects on birds in south-east Queensland. Wildlife Research 25: 41-63.
Skelton, N., Garrod, E. and Gibson, T. 2003 Flora and fauna investigation and recommendations for wildlife habitat rehabilitation of Dobroyd Head, Sydney Harbour National Park. Report prepared for Sydney Harbour NP. GIS Environmental Consultants, North Curl Curl.
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust 2004 Phytophthora and vegetation dieback in Sydney Harbour's bushland. Brochure. Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Sydney.
Tozer, M.G., Turner, K., Simpson, C., Keith, D.A., Beukers, P., Mackenzie, B., Tindall, D. and Pennay, C. 2006 Native vegetation of south east NSW: a revised classification and map for the coast and eastern tablelands. DECC, Hurstville.
Triggs, B. 1996 Tracks, scats and other traces. A field guide to Australian mammals. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Uhl, C. 1998. Conservation biology in your own front yard. Conservation Biology 12: 1175-1177.
Van Polanen Petel, T. and Lill, A. 2004. Bird communities of some urban bushland fragments: implications for conservation. Australian Field Ornithology 21: 21-32.
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