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Long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta were thought to have disappeared from inner western Sydney by the mid to late 1960s. This paper documents recent (2002-present) records of long-nosed bandicoots in the urban areas of inner western Sydney, including carcases (n=7), animals live-trapped or observed by us (n=7), and reports from the public (n=35). We also surveyed for bandicoot diggings in 88 urban parks and found 12 which contained possible diggings. Most of these records are concentrated in the suburbs of Dulwich Hill, Marrickville, Lewisham, and Petersham in an area of less than 1.9 km by 1.1 km (approximately 95 ha) in the local government area (LGA) of Marrickville, but when other scattered records are included, come from an 8.5 km x 6 km area in the LGAs of Ashfield, Canada Bay, Canterbury, and Leichhardt. A pilot radio-tracking study of two adult females found that they foraged almost exclusively in urban backyards and nested by day under old buildings. One female provided enough data for home range analysis, and had a home range of 2.7 ha (MCP) or 1.47 ha (KL95%); the core home range (KL50%) was only 0.16 ha. There were no signs that either individual avoided activity during peak hour traffic, although they often did not come out to forage for a whole night, or only foraged for a few hours within a night. We suggest that this might be a form of predator avoidance behaviour since feral and domestic cats were common in the area, and/or that they are able to obtain sufficient food in the short times they are active. We also speculate on the origins of these animals.

AMBS. 2007. 2007 Fauna Study, Marrickville LGA. Australian Museum Business Service, Sydney.
Ashby, E., Lunney, D., Robertshaw, J., and Harden, R. 1990. Distribution and status of bandicoots in New South Wales. Pages 43-50in J.H. Seebeck, P.R. Brown, R. L. Wallis, and C. M. Kemper, editors. Bandicoots and bilbies. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Banks, P. B. 2004. Population viability analysis in urban wildlife management: modelling management options for Sydney's quarantined bandicoots. Pages 70-77in D. Lunney and S. Burgin, editors. Urban Wildlife - more than meets the eye. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Boutin, S. 1990. Food supplementation experiments with terrestrial vertebrates: Patterns, problems, and the future. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:203-220.
Broughton, S. K., and Dickman, C. R. 1991. The effect of supplementary food on home range of the southern brown bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae). Australian Journal of Ecology 16:71-78.
Chambers, L. K., and Dickman, C. R. 2002. Habitat selection of the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta (Mammalia, Peramelidae), in a patchy urban environment. Austral Ecology 27:334-342.
Christensen, P., and Burrows, N. 1994. Project Desert Dreaming: the reintroduction of mammals to the Gibson Desert, Western Australia. Pages 197-207in M. Serena, editor. Reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales.
Clark, T. W., Gibbs, J. P., and Goldstraw, P. W. 1995. Some demographics of the extirpation from the wild of eastern barred bandicoots ( Perameles gunnii) in 1988-1991, near Hamilton, Victoria, Australia. Wildlife Research 22:289-297.
Cockburn, A. 1990. Life history of the bandicoots: developmental rigidity and phenotypic plasticity. Pages 285-292in J. H. Seebeck, P. R. Brown, R. L. Wallis, and C. M. Kemper, editors. Bandicoots and bilbies. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Department of Environment and Climate Change. 2008. Rapid fauna habitat assessment of the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority Area. Department of Environment and Climate Change, Hurstville.
Dickman, C. R., and Stodart, E. 2008. Long-nosed bandicoot - Perameles nasuta. Pages 189-190in S. Van Dycke and R. Strahan, editors. The mammals of Australia - Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Sydney.
Hooge, P. N., and Eichenlaub, B. 1997. Animal movement extension to ArcView. Ver. 1.1. Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, AK, USA. Date Accessed: 1/1/2006
Marlow, B. J. 1962. The Mammals. Pages 26-29in The Natural History of Sydney. Trustees of the Australian Museum, Sydney.
Minta, S. C., Clark, T. W., and Goldstraw, P. W. 1990. Population estimates and characteristics of the eastern barred bandicoot in Victoria with recommendations for population modelling. Pages 47-76in T. W. Clark and J. H. Seebeck, editors. Management and conservation of small populations. Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois.
National Parks and Wildlife Service. 2000. Threatened species information - Long-nosed bandicoot population at North Head. NPWS, Sydney. NPWS. Date Accessed: 10/3/2008
NSW Scientific Committee. 1997. Final determination to list the North Head population of the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta, Geoffroy 1804, as an endangered population on Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Department of Environment and Climate Change. Date Accessed: 10/3/2008
NSW Scientific Committee. 2008. Long-nosed Bandicoot Perameles nasuta Geoffroy 1804 in inner western Sydney - endangered population listing final determination. Department of Environment and Climate Change. Date Accessed: 20/1/2009
Puddephatt, J., and Miller, R. 1996. Population biology of the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta, at North Head, Sydney, NSW. Grad. Dip. Sc. (Environmental) thesis. University of Sydney, Sydney.
Richards, J. D. 2006. The first reintroduction of the western barred bandicoot ( Perameles bougainville) to mainland Australia. PhD thesis. University of Sydney, Sydney.
Scott, L. K. 1995. Nutritional ecology and population biology of the Long-nosed Bandicoot, Perameles nasuta: Implications for conservation. M. Sc. thesis. University of Sydney, Sydney.
Scott, L. K., Hume, I. D., and Dickman, C. R. 1999. Ecology and population biology of long-nosed bandicoots ( Perameles nasuta) at North Head, Sydney Harbour National Park. Wildlife Research 26:805-821.
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AMBS. 2007. 2007 Fauna Study, Marrickville LGA. Australian Museum Business Service, Sydney.
Ashby, E., Lunney, D., Robertshaw, J., and Harden, R. 1990. Distribution and status of bandicoots in New South Wales. Pages 43-50in J.H. Seebeck, P.R. Brown, R. L. Wallis, and C. M. Kemper, editors. Bandicoots and bilbies. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Banks, P. B. 2004. Population viability analysis in urban wildlife management: modelling management options for Sydney's quarantined bandicoots. Pages 70-77in D. Lunney and S. Burgin, editors. Urban Wildlife - more than meets the eye. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Boutin, S. 1990. Food supplementation experiments with terrestrial vertebrates: Patterns, problems, and the future. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:203-220.
Broughton, S. K., and Dickman, C. R. 1991. The effect of supplementary food on home range of the southern brown bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae). Australian Journal of Ecology 16:71-78.
Chambers, L. K., and Dickman, C. R. 2002. Habitat selection of the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta (Mammalia, Peramelidae), in a patchy urban environment. Austral Ecology 27:334-342.
Christensen, P., and Burrows, N. 1994. Project Desert Dreaming: the reintroduction of mammals to the Gibson Desert, Western Australia. Pages 197-207in M. Serena, editor. Reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales.
Clark, T. W., Gibbs, J. P., and Goldstraw, P. W. 1995. Some demographics of the extirpation from the wild of eastern barred bandicoots ( Perameles gunnii) in 1988-1991, near Hamilton, Victoria, Australia. Wildlife Research 22:289-297.
Cockburn, A. 1990. Life history of the bandicoots: developmental rigidity and phenotypic plasticity. Pages 285-292in J. H. Seebeck, P. R. Brown, R. L. Wallis, and C. M. Kemper, editors. Bandicoots and bilbies. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW.
Department of Environment and Climate Change. 2008. Rapid fauna habitat assessment of the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority Area. Department of Environment and Climate Change, Hurstville.
Dickman, C. R., and Stodart, E. 2008. Long-nosed bandicoot - Perameles nasuta. Pages 189-190in S. Van Dycke and R. Strahan, editors. The mammals of Australia - Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Sydney.
Hooge, P. N., and Eichenlaub, B. 1997. Animal movement extension to ArcView. Ver. 1.1. Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, AK, USA. Date Accessed: 1/1/2006
Marlow, B. J. 1962. The Mammals. Pages 26-29in The Natural History of Sydney. Trustees of the Australian Museum, Sydney.
Minta, S. C., Clark, T. W., and Goldstraw, P. W. 1990. Population estimates and characteristics of the eastern barred bandicoot in Victoria with recommendations for population modelling. Pages 47-76in T. W. Clark and J. H. Seebeck, editors. Management and conservation of small populations. Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois.
National Parks and Wildlife Service. 2000. Threatened species information - Long-nosed bandicoot population at North Head. NPWS, Sydney. NPWS. Date Accessed: 10/3/2008
NSW Scientific Committee. 1997. Final determination to list the North Head population of the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta, Geoffroy 1804, as an endangered population on Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Department of Environment and Climate Change. Date Accessed: 10/3/2008
NSW Scientific Committee. 2008. Long-nosed Bandicoot Perameles nasuta Geoffroy 1804 in inner western Sydney - endangered population listing final determination. Department of Environment and Climate Change. Date Accessed: 20/1/2009
Puddephatt, J., and Miller, R. 1996. Population biology of the long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta, at North Head, Sydney, NSW. Grad. Dip. Sc. (Environmental) thesis. University of Sydney, Sydney.
Richards, J. D. 2006. The first reintroduction of the western barred bandicoot ( Perameles bougainville) to mainland Australia. PhD thesis. University of Sydney, Sydney.
Scott, L. K. 1995. Nutritional ecology and population biology of the Long-nosed Bandicoot, Perameles nasuta: Implications for conservation. M. Sc. thesis. University of Sydney, Sydney.
Scott, L. K., Hume, I. D., and Dickman, C. R. 1999. Ecology and population biology of long-nosed bandicoots ( Perameles nasuta) at North Head, Sydney Harbour National Park. Wildlife Research 26:805-821.
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