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Western Australia has a rich and diverse reptile fauna of 519 named species as well as 78 named species of frogs: both groups include many endemics. The Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, which is administered by the Department of Conservation and Land Management, protects all reptiles and amphibians and allows for protected fauna to be taken under licence. Reptiles and frogs may be permitted to be taken from the wild and/or kept for scientific research, educational purposes, limited private study and venom supply, but not as pets or for hobby purposes. No private ownership of, or trade in, reptiles or frogs for pets is permitted. Seven species of reptiles and two of frogs are declared under the Act as “threatened”, while a total of 26 lizard, 8 snake and 5 frog taxa are listed as Reserve List Fauna and five species of reptiles are declared to be “specially protected”.

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