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The oviposition of nine female frillneck lizards Chlamydosaurus kingii was induced in the laboratory, and the mean clutch size of 15.1 (range 12–23) was larger than previously reported for this species. There was significant variation in egg mass among clutches. Three females were relocated 3 months later using radiotelemetry and two were gravid for a second time in the same breeding season. The soil temperatures adjacent to a natural nest ranged between 28.8 and 33.7°C with a mean of 29.5°C in the mornings (between 0900 and 1000 h) and 31.9°C in the afternoons (between 1600 and 1700 h). The incubation period of the natural nest was 69 days compared to laboratory incubation periods of 73–80 days at 30°C and 54 days at 33°C.

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