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Biological research has been dominated by focussed effort on few model species and recent commentaries further discourage broadening the range of study species. It is undeniable that we now have unprecedented detail of information on the genetic, molecular and cellular biology of model species, but whether their biology can be broadly generalised is unclear. By channelling research into a limited range of species, we miss the opportunity to test theory on a wider range of species and the discovery of new biological phenomena. With new technologies and laboratory facilities becoming more affordable and accessible, establishing new species as models has never been more promising and important.

Ankeny, R. A. and S. Leonelli. 2011. What's so special about model organisms? Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42:313-323.
Beattie, A. 2013. The Contemporary View of Biodiversity: Bad Science and Bad Policy, Pp 17-23 in Grumpy scientists: the ecological conscience of a nation, edited by D. Lunney, P. Hutchings and H. F. Recher. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia.
Chapman, T., L. F. Liddle, J. M. Kalb, M. F. Wolfner, and L. Partridge. 1995. Cost of mating in Drosophila melanogaster females is mediated my male accessory gland products. Nature 373:241-244.
Fields, S. and M. Johnston. 2005. Whither model organisms research. Science 307:1185-1186.
Kohler, R. E. 1994. Lords of the fly: Drosophila genetics and the experimental life. University of Chicago Press.
Leadbeater, E. 2009. Social learning: what do Drosophila have to offer? Current Biology 19:R378-R380.
Maher, B. 2009. Evolution: Biology's next top model? Nature 458:695-698.
Nakagawa, S., M. Lagisz, K. L. Hector, and H. G. Spencer. 2012. Comparative and meta-analytic insights into life extension via dietary restriction. Aging Cell 11:401-409.
Taylor, M. L., M. D. Sharma, and D. J. Hosken. 2009. Sexual selection in flies: a comparison of Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster. Animal Biology 59:391-402.
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