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The link between climate change and wildlife is far from clear in the public mind. This paper tackles that issue through an overview of this book and a review of writings by scientists and others since 1970, including discussing strategies for conserving biodiversity in a changing Australian climate. The beginning of the modern era of climate change thinking in Australian is vivid in the book Greenhouse: planning for climate change (Pearman 1988). Clive Hamilton (2001), in Running from the storm, stated that climate change is perhaps the most serious environmental threat facing humanity in the 21st century. In Science as a contact sport, Stephen Schneider (2009) recounted the buffeting that he took on both the political front and from the media. Schneider started his academic life as a physicist, but by the time he wrote his book he had understood the fundamental debate about the environment. Schneider says that when he was asked what is the difference between the early, carefully hedged warnings of 30 years ago and now, he replied that it is not that the basic science has changed but that nature is cooperating with the theory. In the second edition of Climate change, Pittock (2009) said that developments since 2005 in the science, the observations and the politics of climate change are substantial and the urgency of the climate change challenge is now far more apparent than in 2005. Will Steffen (2009), with seven other Australian ecologists, in Australia's biodiversity and climate change, stated that the additional effects of climate change will exacerbate current threats and cause unprecedented additional stresses on Australia's biodiversity in their own right. We asked at the outset: are robust strategies for Australian fauna possible? Our answer is that they are possible. Many ecologists, Jamieson (2008) noted in Ethics and the environment, consider that species extinction and biodiversity losses are the early stage of an environmental catastrophe but, he added, not everyone thinks that these things matter. We do, and that was the driving force behind writing this paper and editing this book following on from the Royal Zoological Society of NSW forum on wildlife and climate change.

Andrewartha, H. G. and Birch, L. C. 1954. The Distribution and Abundance of Animals. University of Chicago Press, USA.
Arnold, G. W. 1988. Possible effects of climate change and wildlife in Western Australia. Pp 375-386 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Australian Greenhouse Office 1998. The National Greenhouse Strategy. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.)
Bee, C., Furler, W. and Quinn, N. 1988. Greenhouse: international and national policy approaches. Pp 725-735 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Bernard, H. Jr. 1980. The greenhouse effect. Harper Colophon Books, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA.
Birch, C. 1975. Confronting the future: Australia and the world: the next hundred years. Penguin, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia.
Birch, C. 1993. Confronting the future: Australia and the world: the next hundred years. New edition. Penguin, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia.
Brasher, R. E. and Pittock, A. B. 1998. Australasian Impacts of Climate Change. An Assessment of Vulnerability. In Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C., Moss, R.H. and Dokken, D.J. The Regional Impacts of Climate Change. An assessment of Vulnerability, IPCC Report. Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.)
Brereton, R., Bennett, S. and Mansergh, I. 1995. Enhanced greenhouse climate change and its potential effect on selected fauna of south-eastern Australia: a trend analysis. Biological Conservation 72: 339-354. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.)
Busby, J. R. 1988. Potential impacts of climate change on Australia's flora and fauna. Pp 387-398 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Claiborne, R. 1970. Climate, man and history. Angus and Robertson (UK), London, UK.
Driscoll, D. A., Felton, A. Gibbons, P., Felton, A. M., Munro, N. T. and Lindenmayer, D. B. 2011. Priorities in policy and management when existing biodiversity stressors interact with climate-change. On line Climatic Change DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0170-1
Ehrlich, P. R. and Ehrlich, A. H. 1970. Population resources environment. Issues in human ecology. W. H. Freeman and co., San Francisco, USA.
Flannery, T. 2005. The weather makers: how man is changing the climate and what it means for life on Earth. Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, USA.
Garnaut, R. 2008. The Garnaut climate change review. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Garnaut, R. 2011. The Garnaut review 2011.Australia in the global response to climate change. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Garvey, J. 2008. The ethics of climate change. Right and wrong in a warming world. Continuum International publishing group, London, UK.
Gribbin, J. 1990. Hothouse Earth: the greenhouse effect and gaia. Grove Weidenfeld, New York, USA.
Graetz, R. D., Walker, D. H. and Walker, P. A. 1988. The consequences of climate change for 70% of Australia. Pp 399-420 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Hamilton, C. 2001. Running from the storm: the development of climate change policy in Australia. UNSW Press, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Hamilton, C. 2010. Requiem for a species. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia.
Hamilton, C., Lunney, D. and Matthews, A. 2000. An economic evaluation of local government approaches to koala conservation. Australian Journal of Environmental Management 7: 158-69.
Hare, F. K. 1977. Foreword, in Linacre, E. and Hobbs, J. The Australian climatic environment. John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland, Australia.
Houghton, J. T., Jenkins, G. J. and Ephraums, J. J. 1990. (eds). Climate change. The IPCC scientific assessment. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Henderson-Sellers, A. and Blong, R. 1989. The Greehouse effect. NSW University Press, Kensington, NSW, Australia.
Hughes, W. and Westoby, M. 1994. Climate change and conservation policies in Australia: coping with change that is far away and not yet certain. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 308-18. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.) (Note, the reference is to Hughes, W. in the final determination, but it should have been Hughes, L.)
Hundloe, T. and Hamilton, C. 1997. Koalas and Tourism: An Economic Evaluation. Discussion Paper Number 13. The Australia Institute. July 1997, ISSN 1322-5421.
IPCC. 1996. Second assessment: climate change 1995. A report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva IPCC.
Jamieson, D. 2008. Ethics and the environment. An introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Kellogg, W.W. and Schneider, S.H. 1974. Climate stabilization: for better or worse? Science 186: 1163-1172. (reference from Linacre and Hobbs 1977.)
Kingsford, R. (ed.). 2011. Climate change in Australasia and the Pacific. Pacific Conservation Biology 17 (3). (Special issue.)
Kingsford, R. T. and Watson, J. E. M. 2011. Climate change in Oceania - a synthesis of biodiversity impacts and adaptations. Pacific Conservation Biology 17: 270-284.
Krebs, C. J. 2008. The ecological worldview. CSIRO publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
Krebs, C. J. 2009. Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance (6th edition). Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, USA.
Krebs, C. 2012. What good is a CSIRO division of wildlife research anyway. Pp. - in Science under siege: zoology under threat, edited by P. Banks, D. Lunney and C. Dickman. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia. In press.
Linacre, E. and Hobbs, J. 1977. The Australian climatic environment. John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland, Australia.
Lunney, D. 2012. “What's the difference between climate science and climate journalism?” Pp - in Science under siege: zoology under threat, edited by P. Banks, D. Lunney and C. Dickman. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia. In press.
Lunney, D., Pressey, B., Archer, M., Hand, S., Godthelp, H. and Curtin, A. 1997. Integrating ecology and economics: illustrating the need to resolve the conflicts of space and time. Ecological Economics 23: 135-42.
Lunney, D., Moon, C., Matthews, A. and Turbill, J. 1999. Coffs Harbour City Koala Plan of Management. Parts A&B. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW.
Lunney, D., Matthews, A., Moon, C. and Ferrier, S. 2000. Incorporating habitat mapping into practical koala conservation on private lands. Conservation Biology 14: 669-80.
Lunney, D., Matthews, A., Moon, C. and Turbill, J. 2002. Achieving fauna conservation on private land: reflections on a ten-year project. Ecological Management and Restoration 3: 90-96.
Lunney, D., Fox, A., Catling, P., Recher, H. and Lunney, H.W.M. 2012. The ecological significance of 1954 in the history of Nadgee Nature Reserve in the Eden region on the south coast of New South Wales. Pp - in Australia's ever changing forests, edited by B. Stubbs. Australian Forest History Society…in press.
Main, A. R. 1988. Climate change and its impact on nature conservation in Australia. Pp 361-374 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1971. Inadvertent climate modification. Report on the study of man's impact on climate (SMIC). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Biodiversity Synthesis. World of Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Oreskes, N. and Conway. E. M. 2010. Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. Bloomsbury Press, New York, USA.
Pearman, G. I. (ed.). 1988. Greenhouse: planning for climate change. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Pearman, G. I. 1988a. Greenhouse gases: evidence for atmospheric changes and anthropogenic causes. Pp 3-21 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Pittock, A. B. 2009. Climate change: the science, impacts and solutions. (2nd edition). CSIRO publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
Schneider, S. H. 1996. Laboratory earth. The planetary gamble we can't afford to lose. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, UK.
Schneider, S. H. 2009. Science as a contact sport: inside the battle to save Earth's climate. National Geographic Society, Washington DC, USA.
Schneider, S. and Londer, R. 1984. The coevolution of climate and life. Sierra Club, San Francisco, USA. (Reference from Gribben 1990.)
Steffen, W., Burbidge, A. A., Hughes, L., Kitching, R., Lindenmayer, D., Musgrave, W., Stafford Smith, M. and Werner, P. 2009. Australia's biodiversity and climate change. CSIRO, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
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Andrewartha, H. G. and Birch, L. C. 1954. The Distribution and Abundance of Animals. University of Chicago Press, USA.
Arnold, G. W. 1988. Possible effects of climate change and wildlife in Western Australia. Pp 375-386 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Australian Greenhouse Office 1998. The National Greenhouse Strategy. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.)
Bee, C., Furler, W. and Quinn, N. 1988. Greenhouse: international and national policy approaches. Pp 725-735 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Bernard, H. Jr. 1980. The greenhouse effect. Harper Colophon Books, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA.
Birch, C. 1975. Confronting the future: Australia and the world: the next hundred years. Penguin, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia.
Birch, C. 1993. Confronting the future: Australia and the world: the next hundred years. New edition. Penguin, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia.
Brasher, R. E. and Pittock, A. B. 1998. Australasian Impacts of Climate Change. An Assessment of Vulnerability. In Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C., Moss, R.H. and Dokken, D.J. The Regional Impacts of Climate Change. An assessment of Vulnerability, IPCC Report. Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.)
Brereton, R., Bennett, S. and Mansergh, I. 1995. Enhanced greenhouse climate change and its potential effect on selected fauna of south-eastern Australia: a trend analysis. Biological Conservation 72: 339-354. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.)
Busby, J. R. 1988. Potential impacts of climate change on Australia's flora and fauna. Pp 387-398 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Claiborne, R. 1970. Climate, man and history. Angus and Robertson (UK), London, UK.
Driscoll, D. A., Felton, A. Gibbons, P., Felton, A. M., Munro, N. T. and Lindenmayer, D. B. 2011. Priorities in policy and management when existing biodiversity stressors interact with climate-change. On line Climatic Change DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0170-1
Ehrlich, P. R. and Ehrlich, A. H. 1970. Population resources environment. Issues in human ecology. W. H. Freeman and co., San Francisco, USA.
Flannery, T. 2005. The weather makers: how man is changing the climate and what it means for life on Earth. Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, USA.
Garnaut, R. 2008. The Garnaut climate change review. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Garnaut, R. 2011. The Garnaut review 2011.Australia in the global response to climate change. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Garvey, J. 2008. The ethics of climate change. Right and wrong in a warming world. Continuum International publishing group, London, UK.
Gribbin, J. 1990. Hothouse Earth: the greenhouse effect and gaia. Grove Weidenfeld, New York, USA.
Graetz, R. D., Walker, D. H. and Walker, P. A. 1988. The consequences of climate change for 70% of Australia. Pp 399-420 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Hamilton, C. 2001. Running from the storm: the development of climate change policy in Australia. UNSW Press, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Hamilton, C. 2010. Requiem for a species. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia.
Hamilton, C., Lunney, D. and Matthews, A. 2000. An economic evaluation of local government approaches to koala conservation. Australian Journal of Environmental Management 7: 158-69.
Hare, F. K. 1977. Foreword, in Linacre, E. and Hobbs, J. The Australian climatic environment. John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland, Australia.
Houghton, J. T., Jenkins, G. J. and Ephraums, J. J. 1990. (eds). Climate change. The IPCC scientific assessment. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Henderson-Sellers, A. and Blong, R. 1989. The Greehouse effect. NSW University Press, Kensington, NSW, Australia.
Hughes, W. and Westoby, M. 1994. Climate change and conservation policies in Australia: coping with change that is far away and not yet certain. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 308-18. (Reference in the final determination [Climate Change] of the New South Wales Scientific Committee.) (Note, the reference is to Hughes, W. in the final determination, but it should have been Hughes, L.)
Hundloe, T. and Hamilton, C. 1997. Koalas and Tourism: An Economic Evaluation. Discussion Paper Number 13. The Australia Institute. July 1997, ISSN 1322-5421.
IPCC. 1996. Second assessment: climate change 1995. A report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva IPCC.
Jamieson, D. 2008. Ethics and the environment. An introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Kellogg, W.W. and Schneider, S.H. 1974. Climate stabilization: for better or worse? Science 186: 1163-1172. (reference from Linacre and Hobbs 1977.)
Kingsford, R. (ed.). 2011. Climate change in Australasia and the Pacific. Pacific Conservation Biology 17 (3). (Special issue.)
Kingsford, R. T. and Watson, J. E. M. 2011. Climate change in Oceania - a synthesis of biodiversity impacts and adaptations. Pacific Conservation Biology 17: 270-284.
Krebs, C. J. 2008. The ecological worldview. CSIRO publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
Krebs, C. J. 2009. Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance (6th edition). Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, USA.
Krebs, C. 2012. What good is a CSIRO division of wildlife research anyway. Pp. - in Science under siege: zoology under threat, edited by P. Banks, D. Lunney and C. Dickman. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia. In press.
Linacre, E. and Hobbs, J. 1977. The Australian climatic environment. John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland, Australia.
Lunney, D. 2012. “What's the difference between climate science and climate journalism?” Pp - in Science under siege: zoology under threat, edited by P. Banks, D. Lunney and C. Dickman. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, Australia. In press.
Lunney, D., Pressey, B., Archer, M., Hand, S., Godthelp, H. and Curtin, A. 1997. Integrating ecology and economics: illustrating the need to resolve the conflicts of space and time. Ecological Economics 23: 135-42.
Lunney, D., Moon, C., Matthews, A. and Turbill, J. 1999. Coffs Harbour City Koala Plan of Management. Parts A&B. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW.
Lunney, D., Matthews, A., Moon, C. and Ferrier, S. 2000. Incorporating habitat mapping into practical koala conservation on private lands. Conservation Biology 14: 669-80.
Lunney, D., Matthews, A., Moon, C. and Turbill, J. 2002. Achieving fauna conservation on private land: reflections on a ten-year project. Ecological Management and Restoration 3: 90-96.
Lunney, D., Fox, A., Catling, P., Recher, H. and Lunney, H.W.M. 2012. The ecological significance of 1954 in the history of Nadgee Nature Reserve in the Eden region on the south coast of New South Wales. Pp - in Australia's ever changing forests, edited by B. Stubbs. Australian Forest History Society…in press.
Main, A. R. 1988. Climate change and its impact on nature conservation in Australia. Pp 361-374 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1971. Inadvertent climate modification. Report on the study of man's impact on climate (SMIC). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Biodiversity Synthesis. World of Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Oreskes, N. and Conway. E. M. 2010. Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. Bloomsbury Press, New York, USA.
Pearman, G. I. (ed.). 1988. Greenhouse: planning for climate change. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Pearman, G. I. 1988a. Greenhouse gases: evidence for atmospheric changes and anthropogenic causes. Pp 3-21 in Greenhouse: planning for climate change, edited by G. I. Pearman. CSIRO, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Pittock, A. B. 2009. Climate change: the science, impacts and solutions. (2nd edition). CSIRO publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
Schneider, S. H. 1996. Laboratory earth. The planetary gamble we can't afford to lose. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, UK.
Schneider, S. H. 2009. Science as a contact sport: inside the battle to save Earth's climate. National Geographic Society, Washington DC, USA.
Schneider, S. and Londer, R. 1984. The coevolution of climate and life. Sierra Club, San Francisco, USA. (Reference from Gribben 1990.)
Steffen, W., Burbidge, A. A., Hughes, L., Kitching, R., Lindenmayer, D., Musgrave, W., Stafford Smith, M. and Werner, P. 2009. Australia's biodiversity and climate change. CSIRO, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
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